Schemes for low-income people

What does this mean?

Minima schemes are extra (financial) contributions for people with low incomes. These schemes help you participate in activities such as sports and school. If you qualify, you will receive a financial contribution.

For questions or assistance

Do you have questions about the schemes or need help from the LEV Group in applying or filling out forms? Contact the CMD CMD(Center for Social Participation). They can also come to your home.

Address CMD

Berg 22c
5671 CC Nuenen
Phone: 040 - 283 16 75

Money Advice Hour

Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (without appointment).

Opening hours Reception CMD

Do you have questions about work and income? Call the Municipality of Nuenen at: 040 - 263 16 31.

Standard amounts

This page lists standard amounts. These amounts are based on 2025 standards and are adjusted annually. The assistance amounts are updated twice a year, in January and July.

Application Handling

The municipality has 8 weeks to process your application. We will try to process your application as quickly as possible.


Do you have no job and little money to live on? If so, you may be able to receive benefits under the Participation Act. This allows you to support yourself
until you find work again.


  • You are 18 years of age or older.
  • You do not receive General Old Age Security Act (AOW) benefits. Is your AOW benefit lower than the welfare minimum? Then you may be able to apply to the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) for an Income Supplement
    Ouderen (AIO).
  • You are Dutch or you are from an EU country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland or you have a valid residence permit.
  • You live or reside in the municipality of Nuenen.
  • You have no or insufficient income of your own.
  • You have no assets or assets below the maximum amount. For a single person this is € 7,770 and for a family and single parent € 15,540. Do you have more than € 15,540 in equity in your home? Then you can get the Social assistance benefit as a loan.
  • You cannot receive other benefits, such as unemployment or disability benefits.
  • You are not excluded from eligibility for Social assistance benefit benefits. You are excluded if you are in prison, for example.

Are you under the age of 27?

Then you first register as a job seeker via Then you register via the municipality's digital application form. After your registration, you look for work or training for 4 weeks. 


Assets include savings, an inheritance or valuables such as a car, house or collection. Do you have debts such as a loan from the bank or an online store? These take some off your assets.


  • You can request an advance payment after four weeks. This advance is 90 percent of the Social assistance benefit.
  • If you receive the Social assistance benefit , the advance will be deducted from your benefit.
  • If you do not receive the Social assistance benefit benefit, you must repay the advance.

You will not receive an advance if:

  • Clearly you are not entitled to Social assistance benefit benefits. 
  • You do not provide sufficient documentary evidence and that this is your own fault.
  • You provide the supporting documents late and that this is your own fault.
  • You are insufficiently cooperative in the processing of your application.
  • We have rejected your application.

More information and requests


Special assistance

Do you have a low income and not enough money for necessary extra expenses? Then you can apply for special assistance. This assistance is intended as a safety net for costs that are not reimbursed in any other way and for which there are no other arrangements.

Examples of special assistance:

  • Legal aid co-payment.
  • Moving expenses.

You will not receive special assistance for

for example, food, clothing, rent or purchase of a refrigerator or washing machine. Medical expenses are also not covered. People with a low income can participate in a collective health insurance with health insurer VGZ.


  • You are over 18 years of age.
  • You have an income below 120% of the social assistance standard. The social assistance standard is € 1,345.45 net per month for single and single parents and € 1,922.07 net per month for married/cohabiting couples. In the case of guardianship, the income limit is 100%.
  • If your income is higher, a support percentage is applied: 35% for medical expenses and 100% for non-medical expenses. This means that you will have to pay part of the costs yourself. The ability-to-pay percentage depends on the type of expenses for which you request special assistance.
  • You do not have more savings or assets than allowed for assistance. Assets are the value of all possessions minus debts. For a single person the limit is €7,770 and for single parents and married couples €15,540.
  • The cost is necessary.
  • They are costs you would not normally incur.
  • You will not be reimbursed for the cost anywhere else.

Do you have any questions?

More information and requests

Special assistance

Individual income supplement

Do you have a low income for an extended period of time and no prospect of improvement? Then you may be eligible for an individual income supplement.

The municipality determines the amount of the individual income supplement and pays the supplement once a year. You can spend the supplement freely. The supplement is € 505,- for a single (parent) and € 719,- for married/cohabiting couples. Per child € 69,- is added.


  • You are 21 years of age or older, but under retirement age.
  • You have had a low income for the past 3 years. The income limit is €7,575.00 for singles and

€15,150.00 for single parents and married couples.

  • You have no prospect of income improvement within 6 months.
  • You have not received an individual income supplement in the past 12 months.

Do you have any questions?

To do so, contact the CMD(Center for Social Participation)

More information and requests

Individual income supplement

Debt relief

The LEV group helps people with various questions about money matters. Do you recognize yourself in any of the following situations:

  • You are in arrears.
  • You are short of money every month.

You have lost track of your finances.

LEV Group staff can look at your money matters with you. They will help you determine what help is best for you. Help may include:

  • Organizing administration.
  • Getting an overview of your income and expenses.
  • Budget coaching.
  • A budget course.
  • Scheduling payment arrangements.
  • Debt settlement.

The support is free and for all residents of the municipality of Nuenen. Debt assistance is not only for people in arrears. Even if payment arrears are imminent, you can come in for a consultation.

You can apply through the CMD(Center for Social Participation).

Social Counseling A social counselor can support you with financial and legal questions in a variety of areas, including:

  • What benefit am I entitled to? 
  • Problems at work.
  • Housing questions.
  • Tax issues.
  • Objection to a government decision.

Social counselor work is carried out by the LEV Group.
You can apply through the CMD(Center for Social Participation).

Municipal tax waiver

Would you like to qualify for full or partial remission of property taxes (user portion), sewer fees and garbage fees?


  • You have an income at or around social assistance level. This amounts to €1,308 net per month for a single person or a single parent and €1,969 net per month for married or cohabiting couples. These amounts apply from age 21 until retirement age. (July 1, 2024).
  • You have no/little savings.

To determine your eligibility for remission, the municipality looks at your:

  • Power
  • Income
  • Vacation money
  • Tax or allowance debts

Do you have any questions?

To do so, contact the CMD(Center for Social Participation)

Water tax waiver

Can't pay the assessment for sewage/water system levy? Then apply for a waiver.

The Water Board assesses the application based on your income, expenses and assets. The relief standard is 100% of the social assistance level. Only individuals can apply for remission.


  • You cannot pay the tax assessment in full or in part.
  • You have no assets. This includes surplus real estate, such as a home. Wealth is the value of all possessions minus debts.

Do you have any questions?

To do so, contact the CMD(Center for Social Participation)


Requesting a waiver

You will need DigiD to do this.

Payment scheme tax individuals, entrepreneurs or self-employed people


Have you had a tax assessment and can't pay it on time? You may be able to get an extension or a payment plan.

Deferral of payment

You can request 4 months of deferred payment

If you meet the following Requirements:

  • This is not a provisional income tax or health insurance bill that may be paid in more installments.
  • Your total outstanding tax debt is less than €20,000.
  • You have not previously been granted deferred payment because you had payment problems.
  • You have no outstanding assessments for which you have received a subpoena.

Payment scheme

If you have already been granted a 4-month extension of payment, the payment schedule will last for a maximum of 12 months from the date you were granted an extension.


Call the tax phone 0800-05 43

Or download the "request payment arrangement" form at

Entrepreneur or self-employed

Have you had an (additional tax) assessment and can't pay it on time? See if you meet the Requirements for deferred payment or a payment plan.

Deferral of payment

You can get 4 months of deferred payment

If you meet the following Requirements:

  • It is not a payment of a tax, such as VAT and payroll taxes. (Wait for the post-tax assessment for that).
  • It is not a provisional income tax, health insurance law or corporate tax assessment, which may be paid in more installments.
  • It is not about a bill

motor vehicle tax. (Wait for the post-tax assessment for that.)

  • You have always filed timely, accurate and complete tax returns of the tax(s) for which you want deferred payment.
  • You have no outstanding assessments for which you have received a subpoena.
  • You do not have an outstanding misdemeanor fine.
  • You have not previously been granted a deferred payment due to payment problems or because of the offset against a tax refund.
  • Your total outstanding tax debt is less than €20,000.

Payment scheme

Do you not meet the Requirements for 4 months of short extension? Or do you need more time to pay the assessment? Then you can apply for a payment plan. The payment schedule lasts up to 12 months.


Call the tax phone 0800-05 43

Or download the "request payment arrangement" form at

Waiver of tax individuals and entrepreneurs/zzp


As an individual, are you unable to pay your tax bill? Then you can ask for a waiver. Whether you are granted relief depends on your personal situation. It depends on your income, what you have to pay to others, what you own such as a car and how you live. It also depends on the type of tax debt you have.


At www.belast, download the "request for remission of tax and/or premium for individuals" form.


The IRS never grants remission unilaterally. Discharge to entrepreneurs is granted only if you have reached a rehabilitation agreement with all your
creditors on partial payment in exchange for discharge.

You are self-employed and are in a form of debt restructuring? If so, you do not have to ask for remission. You will be granted a postponement of payment during this process. Have you fulfilled
your obligations associated with this trajectory? If the tax authorities agree, you will be granted remission of the remainder of your (tax) debt.


Via download the "request for remission of taxes and/or corporate contributions" form.

Collective health insurance

Do you have a low income and struggle to pay for health insurance? The municipality offers collective health insurance through VGZ.


  • The municipality helps pay for this health insurance.
  • The health insurance company provides discounts.
  • The deductible and co-payment are co-insured in many cases.
  • Comprehensive reimbursements with often 100% coverage.


  • You are 18 years of age or older.
  • Your assets do not exceed €7,575.00 if you are single.
  • Your assets do not exceed

€15,150.00 if you are married,

Living together or in a family context.

  • You are not in arrears with your current health insurer.
  • You can switch to the municipal group health insurance throughout the year if you are already insured with VGZ.
  • You can switch to the collective health insurance of the municipality of Nuenen starting next January if you are insured with another health insurer.

Do you have any questions?

To do so, contact the CMD(Center for Social Participation)


Collective health insurance

Compensation mandatory deductible Health Insurance Act

Do you have high health care costs and struggle to pay them? Then you can apply for compensation for the mandatory deductible Health Insurance Act.


  • You are 18 years of age or older on the day of application.
  • You live in Nuenen.
  • Your claim is valid for the past calendar year if the deductible has been fully used up.
  • You have an income that does not exceed 130% of the social assistance standard and you are chronically ill or disabled. For a single person or a single parent, the assistance standard is €1,308 net per month and for married couples or cohabitants €1,969 net per month. These amounts apply to persons from 21 years of age until retirement age.
  • You are not entitled to student loans.

Do you have any questions?

To do so, contact the CMD(Center for Social Participation)

Requesting compensation

Compensation deductible health insurance. You can also pick up the application form at the town hall, Jan van Schijnveltlaan 2 in Nuenen or at the CMD (Center for Social Participation), Berg 22 in Nuenen.

Social participation contribution scheme

Do you have a low income and want to participate in socio-cultural and sports activities, such as sports club membership fees? The scheme of social participation offers compensation for people with low income.

Different Requirements apply per plan. Income and asset limits may vary. The assistance standard is not the same for everyone. The amount depends on your age and family situation. For a single person or a single parent the standard is € 1,308 net per month and for married couples or cohabitants
€ 1,969 net per month. These amounts apply to persons from age 21 to retirement age. 

The amount of the contribution is € 150 per family member per year. From this a maximum of € 50 can be reimbursed for tickets to amusement parks, cinemas, etc.

Do you have one or more minor children (0-18 years) and receive Social assistance benefit benefits? Then apply for the social participation contribution scheme through Stichting Leergeld. 

Eligible activities and facilities

Sports and recreation

  • Swimming tickets, swimming subscriptions, swimming lessons.
  • Membership in sports and hobby clubs.
  • Sports recreation activities.
  • Participation in fitness sports centers.

(Social) cultural activities

  • Museum Card.
  • Participation in courses and/or cultural activities.
  • Library Membership.
  • Participation in artistic or creative education.
  • Music Education.
  • Neighborhood or neighborhood association activities.
  • Activities of elderly organizations and associations of the elderly.
  • Participation in choirs, guilds and women's, music and carnival societies.
  • Amusement parks and cinema attendance.
  • Cultural performances (pop concerts, drama, dance cabaret).


  • Participation in courses and educational activities.

  • Participation in formation week.

  • Participation in nature and environmental education.

  • Admission tickets (reimbursement up to a maximum of €50).


  • You are 18 years of age or older.
  • Your income does not exceed 120% of the social assistance standard. For income that is higher, a 35% support percentage is applied.

Do you have any questions?

To do so, contact the CMD(Center for Social Participation)


Social participation contribution scheme


Would you like to supplement your low income? If so, there are several nationwide benefits available. You can apply for the following allowances:

  • Rental allowance.
  • Care allowance.
  • Child care subsidy.
  • Child budget.

You can apply for these benefits until September 1 of the following year. You must take into account the income of yourself, your allowance partner and co-residents (for rent allowance). Your assets also count. Capital is the value of all possessions minus debts.

Rental allowance

Rent supplement helps you pay the rent on your home.


  • You are over 18 years of age.
  • Your income should not be too high. How high your income can be depends on your rent, your age and the composition of your household.
  • Your rent should not be too high.
  • Your rent must not exceed €879.66 in 2024
  • Are all residents under the age of 23? Then the rent must not exceed €454.47.
  • If you have a child living with you who is under the age of 23, the rent may still be €879.66.
  • You rent an independent living unit. This means that the house has its own entrance door that can be locked, kitchen and a toilet.
  • As of March 1, 2024, the home must also have a private shower or bathroom.

Care allowance

Health care supplement is a contribution from the

government for the cost of mandatory health insurance. Are you over the age of 18? Then you are entitled to care allowance. This applies to both singles and couples. The lower your income, the more allowance you will receive.


  • You are over 18 years of age.
  • Your annual income must not exceed €37,496.

Childcare allowance

Child care subsidy helps parents with the cost of child care.

Does your child attend a registered daycare, playgroup (since 2018 converted to childcare) or out-of-school care (BSO)? Then you may be able to apply for childcare allowance. This also applies if you live or work abroad.


  • You receive child support or a foster parent contribution for the child. Or you substantially support your child.
  • The child center or host parent agency must be registered in the National Register. You can check this on the rijksoverheid website. Babysitting in a shopping center, for example, is not registered childcare.
  • You have a written agreement with the childcare center or host parent agency. This must contain certain information, such as the hourly rate of care and the number of hours of care per year.
  • You and your benefits partner have Dutch nationality or a valid residence permit.
  • You are working, studying or following a pathway to find work. Or you are taking a mandatory civic integration course at a certified institution. This also applies to your benefits partner.
  • You or your partner has a permanent indication from the Long-Term Health Act (Wlz). A condition is that the other parent is working or on a pathway to work.

Child budget

Do you have a low income and children under 18? Then you can get child budget.


  • You have 1 or more children under the age of 18. This can be your own child, a step or adopted child, or a foster child. It is not necessary for your child to live with you.
  • You or the other parent receives child benefit. Is your child 16 or 17 years old and you or the other parent do not receive child support? Then you must contribute to your child's living expenses.
  • Your (joint) income is not too high. Which income limit applies to you depends on the number of children.
  • Your (joint) assets are not too high.

Do you have any questions?

To do so, contact the CMD(Center for Social Participation)



Study allowance

Are you studying and unable to work because of an illness or disability? Then you may be able to get extra money for your studies.

Contributions study allowance:

  • 15 years € 107.88
  • 16 years € 124.06
  • 17 years € 142.04
  • 18 years € 179.79
  • 19 years € 215.75
  • 20 years €287.66
  • 21 years and older € 359.57
  • Release internship allowance € 215.75


  • You live in the municipality of Nuenen.
  • You receive study financing on the basis of the Wet Studiefinanciering (WSF 2000) or an allowance for study costs under the Wet tegemoetkoming onderwijsbijdrage en schoolkosten (WTOS).
  • You do not receive Wajong benefits or lifetime learning credit.
  • Because of your illness or disability, you cannot work alongside your studies. Therefore, you have no income from work.
  • Your internship allowance with the State is a maximum of €211.67 (2024) per month. Do you receive more? Then the municipality will deduct the amount above this maximum from your study allowance.

Do you have any questions?

To do so, contact the CMD(Center for Social Participation)


Study allowance

Emergency Fund

Is there an acute emergency and normal help cannot be provided or cannot be provided quickly? Then an appeal can be made to the emergency fund. This is only possible if you do not have enough money to solve the situation yourself.


  • There is an acute financial emergency.
  • The emergency is one-time and not of great magnitude.
  • The total balance in your bank and savings account is not enough to avoid the emergency.
  • You did not cause the situation yourself or only partly. You cannot use other help.
  • There is the prospect of a solution to your problems.
  • The cause of the emergency does not violate laws and regulations.
  • Your application must be complete, with your signature and, if you are receiving help, your caregiver's signature as well.
  • You may use the money only for what you request it for.

Categorical benefits are not allowed (money for a group rather than an individual).

Special condition

The Board of Mayor and Aldermen may require you to cooperate with assistance programs. You must agree to this in writing.

Do you have any questions?

Contact the work and income department. This can be done through the general number of the city hall 040-263 16 31.


The application goes through the CMD(Center for Social Participation)

Tuition money

Do you have a low income and are your children unable to participate in activities? Stichting Leergeld can help. Stichting leergeld is for parents with children aged 4 to 18.

Stichting Leergeld Nuenen helps with:

  • School expenses, (taking into account WTOS (Wet Tegemoetkoming Onderwijsbijdrage en Schoolkosten).
  • Participation in an athletic activity (dues, clothing, equipment).
  • Participation in a cultural activity (dues, clothing, materials).
  • Participation in Children's Holiday Week.
  • A used laptop.
  • A used or refurbished bicycle for ages 6 and up.

Leergeld Nuenen also pays for:

  • Swimming lessons for diplomas A, B and C (ages 5 and up).
  • Entrance tickets to the pool.
  • Subscription to peel garden "The Kievit" (up to 10 years old).


  • Your net monthly family income is less than €2,384.00 ( for two-parent families) or less than €2,074.00 (for single-parent families).
  • You are in debt restructuring.

Do you have any questions?

Stichting Leergeld Nuenen can be reached at 06-25286545 or via e-mail The foundation is located at CMD(Center for Social Participation).


This can be done through stichting leergeld.

Heppie children

Don't have enough money to take your child(ren) on vacation? Then the Foundation 'The forgotten child' organizes Heppie vacations and weekends, among other things. This is also for children growing up in a difficult home situation.

Heppie Vacations & Weekends is for children ages 6 through 18. There are also family vacations with supervision. A weekend or vacation at Heppie is all about fun, enjoyment, playing and relaxing in a group with age-mates.

Each child receives the necessary attention and Health.

Other activities of Heppie:

Heppie Tour: a day out to an amusement park or zoo with brothers, sisters and (foster) parents.

Heppie Box: a package full of surprises.

Heppie Events: one-day event to have fun, discover talents and gain new experiences.

Heppie in the Classroom: a free curriculum for teachers to discuss home situations.

Warm Welcome Bag: at birth a bag with items such as a stuffed toy, blanket and a personalized card.

Do you have any questions?

Contact the CMD (Center for Social Participation) for this.

Requesting a Heppie activity? or through the CMD(Center for Social Participation).

Children's Aid

Are your children growing up in poverty? Stichting Kinderhulp may be able to help you. The Children's Aid Foundation is there for all children ages 0 to 21.

What does Children's Aid do?

Children's Aid helps with items, which your children need. Think of a warm blanket, diapers or care products or a (safe) bed.

How can you get help?

You can only be referred to Children's Aid through a community organization. The CMD can help you with this.

Would you like to take advantage of child support?

To do so, contact the CMD(Center for Social Participation).

Play Gift

Do you have little money to buy toys for your children? Then you can get help from the Speelcadeau Foundation.

Speelcadeau collects good (used) toys throughout the year. This is given to children from families in the Eindhoven region who have little money. Nuenen is one of them. There are toys for children up to twelve years old.

Would you like to visit play gift?

You need a referral letter from a social worker. This can be your family doctor, school, GGD, Leergeld foundation. We will refer you to the CMD(Center for Social Participation).

Food bank, thrift store, clothing bank

Do you have little money to buy food or things? If so, in Nuenen you can go to the food bank or thrift store Het Goed.

Food Bank

Are you no longer able to make ends meet? Then you may qualify for a food package from the food bank.

If you qualify, you will receive a supplemental food package once a week that is good for 3 or 4 days. Your continued eligibility is reviewed several times a year. You can use the food bank for up to 3 years.


  • You have too little money to live on.

Do you have questions or want to submit an application?

The food bank can be reached through the CMD(Center for Social Participation).

Thrift store

If you need cheap clothing or items you can visit Het Goed. This is a thrift store located at:

De Pinckart 12
5684 CC Nuenen
040-303 84 05

Energy benefits

Would you like to save on gas and light costs? The municipality of Nuenen helps you for free with people and resources to do so. In 4 steps, your home will receive materials that reduce the cost of gas and light.

A volunteer connected to the municipality will come to your home. The volunteer walks through the house with you and takes some measures in consultation with you. Think LED lights, draft strips, mailbox brushes and/or radiator foil.

Do you have any questions?

You can call the savings coach directly at 06-40 94 53 22 or Contact the CMD(Center for Social Participation).

Apply for energy benefits?


Do you want to take a trip but are short of funds? Or you are in a vulnerable position? Perhaps you are unable to participate independently in an activity for some other reason. The plus bus can help you!

The Plus Bus allows you to take trips on weekends and weekdays after 7:00 p.m.. These can be half-day or full-day trips, such as to a museum, zoo or an event. You can also take the Plusbus to the theater or a nearby restaurant. The trips take a maximum of 45 minutes one way.


  • You live in Nuenen.
  • You have a low income.
  • You are in a vulnerable position.
  • You have poor mobility.
  • You cannot participate independently in any activity outside the home.

Would you like to use the plus bus?

Applications go through the LEVgroep Nuenen. You can contact the CMD(Center for Social Participation) for this.


Are you less mobile for a shorter or longer period of time and do not have any other means of transportation? Automaatje Nuenen may be able to help you.


  • You live in Nuenen.
  • You have reduced mobility for a shorter or longer period of time.
  • You can no longer drive a car yourself.
  • Public transportation is not a good alternative for you.
  • You cannot regularly rely on people around you.

You first make an appointment for an intake interview. During this interview we will see if you fall into the target group. Then you can register as a participant.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us at 040-711 44 62 or by email Automaatje can also be reached through the CMD(Center for Social Participation).

Would you like to become a participant?

Then contact vending machine directly or apply through the CMD(Center for Social Participation).

Christmas gift campaign

Is a Christmas gift very welcome given your financial situation? You can apply by Nov. 7 to be considered.


  • You live in Nuenen.
  • Your income does not exceed 120% of the social assistance standard. The assistance standard is €1,283.83 net per month for single and single parents and €1,834.04 net per month for married/cohabiting couples.

Do you have any questions?

Read more at 


You can apply for a Christmas package before November 7 via application@

You mention:

  1. Your name.
  2. Your street and house number.
  3. Your zip code.
  4. Your phone number.
  5. Your family consists of:
    • Number of family members aged 18 and older;
    • Number of family members/children under 18 years of age;
    • total number of family members is.

6. If this applies to you: you live by certain (religious) rules that affect your eating and drinking habits.

Please note that your data will only be used to deliver the Christmas package to your home in December. After that, your data will be deleted.

If you prefer to send or bring this form to us by mail, you can do so to Molvense Erven 105, 5672 HK in Nuenen.