Development Eeneind-West

On this page you will find current information about the development of business park Eeneind-West on the Collse Hoefdijk. This page will be supplemented with messages when new developments occur.

Jan. 29, 2025 - Update on note of views.

The note of views Eeneind-West, which contains the response to all submitted views, is unfortunately not yet complete. This is because answering some questions requires input from external parties. They have not yet submitted their answers to us. As soon as we receive the missing answers, we can review and analyze them and then finalize the memorandum of views.

At this time, therefore, it is not possible to give a concrete indication of when the college will be able to make a decision on the application for an environmental permit and the memorandum of views.

November 2024 - Start demolition of buildings

A contractor commissioned by the Municipality of Nuenen has started (preparations for) the demolition of several buildings on the Collse Hoefdijk. It concerns the buildings with house numbers 34, 38 and 40, which are located on the site where business park Eeneind-West is being developed. Demolition will start in November and is expected to be completed by mid-March 2025. House number 34 will be demolished first, then house number 38 and lastly house number 40. 

Demolition notice Collse Hoefdijk 34

Demolition notice Collse Hoefdijk 38

Demolition notification Collse Hoefdijk 40

Nov. 18, 2024 - Decision on WOO request for antecedent agreement Eeneind-West.

Draft decision on environmental permit for distribution centers Eeneind-West

On June 17, 2024, the Municipal Executive took a draft decision on the permit application for the realization of three distribution centers within the Eeneind-West planning area on the Collse Hoefdijk. The draft environmental permit decision for distribution centers Eeneind-West was available for public inspection for six weeks from June 24, 2024. During that period, the municipality of Nuenen received some 1,500 views from residents of Geldrop, Mierlo, Nuenen and Heeze, among others. This shows great commitment to this development.

All views were registered upon receipt and then carefully read. The arguments presented were then inventoried. Frequently mentioned arguments are undesirable traffic effects, damage to nature, incorrect assessment against the zoning plan and the relationship with environmental regulations.

The next step is the substantive response to the views. It is possible that this also requires some sorting out. We are giving this our full attention and have freed up extra capacity for this. We expect this process to take at least several months. 

Because more than 250 views were submitted, the submitters will not receive a personal response to their views. The General Administrative Law Act states that the municipality can then suffice with a general publication in the municipal gazette on We will also publish this publication on the municipal website and in the municipal notices in the door-to-door newspapers.

The Board of Mayor and Aldermen expects to make a final decision on the environmental permit later this year.

Annexes Draft Decision