Environmental Vision

The Environmental Vision for Nuenen

Our Environmental Vision is ready. The Environmental Vision for Nuenen is based on the core qualities of village, cozy, green and quiet and on the wishes of the community. But also on trends and developments such as sustainability, health and climate, housing and mobility, individualization and loneliness. In addition, the residents gave a clear message: "Keep Nuenen as it is". 


The Omgevingswet is based on shared responsibility for the physical environment. Therefore, in the road towards it, we worked together with many parties such as residents, entrepreneurs, associations, interest groups, experts and partners. What this participation looked like, that too is in the Environmental Vision.


The Environmental Vision was adopted by the council on Sept. 30, 2021.

Go to the special website about the Nuenen Environmental Vision

What's in the Nuenen Environmental Vision?

Nuenen environmental vision - adopted

On July 1, 2022, the Omgevingswet will go into effect. With the arrival of this law, many things will change. For example, this law combines 26 existing laws for building, environment, water, spatial planning and nature, among others. The Omgevingswet requires all municipalities to draw up an environmental vision for the future of the municipality. With our environmental vision, we now have one policy for Nuenen for our physical living environment and how its quality can be improved. Among other things, the vision looks at spatial planning, the layout of public areas and the environment. We also pay attention to the national themes of sustainability, energy transition, climate adaptation and health.

Health as a connecting factor

We want a physical environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle. We will use public areas more for play, exercise and meeting. But also offer opportunities for the construction of good cycle paths so that people take the bike more often. The Omgevingswet takes a broad view of health and looks to the future. Thus health is the connecting factor for all tasks in the physical domain.

The core qualities

Residents, entrepreneurs and interest groups told what they value about their (residential) environment. The results are Nuenen's "core qualities": green, village, quiet and cozy. These are central to this environmental vision, to be cherished and strengthened.

We choose:

High quality housing and living environment

A green living environment

  • Protect valuable green structures.
  • Quality improvement of existing green space.
  • Targeted addition of greenery (including roofs and facades).
  • Using opportunities such as climate adaptation and promoting exercise.

An even more attractive downtown

  • Vibrant, attractive and compact.
  • Nature-inclusive and climate-adaptive building and landscaping.
  • Car-free and bicycle and walking friendly.
  • Protection, preservation and perception of heritage.

Housing and spatial planning

  • Small, affordable housing for young people and the elderly.
  • Transformation and infill with respect for green and village character.
  • Small-scale extensions at Gerwen and Nederwetten.
  • Making new and existing homes more sustainable (such as insulation and solar panels).

Vital society

  • Space for community initiatives.
  • Maintain, improve and utilize facilities and accommodations.
  • Using public space for play, exercise and meeting.
  • Space for events.
  • Attention to social safety.

Robust Landscape

Nature Development

  • Protect and enhance nature.
  • Increase biodiversity.
  • Use nature where possible for climate adaptation and play and exercise.
  • Strengthen extensive recreation, such as walking and cycling. And room for experience and cultural history.

Energy Transition

  • Measures with limited impact on landscape and space.
  • Investigate opportunities for large-scale energy generation.


  • Sustainable, nature-inclusive and circular agriculture and innovations.
  • Space for conversion and ancillary functions.
  • Re-allocate agricultural land from retiring farmers.

Nuenen in Brainport

Commit to the green space between Eindhoven and Helmond

  • Part of the Dommel Valley becomes 'city park' for Nuenen and the region.
  • Strengthen the Van Gogh experience while respecting heritage.
  • Gulbergen Estate as a recreational "hotspot" with local and regional roots.
  • Maintain and enhance Enode as a local and regional water recreation spot.

High quality residential community

  • High-quality and healthy living and working environment, while preserving and strengthening Nuenen's qualities. An attractive, compact and vital center.
  • Transforming Birch Forest into urban live/work environment.
  • Quality improvement business parks Eeneind.


  • Commit to different forms of transportation and healthy mobility.
  • Maintain livability and improve it where possible.
  • Managing local and regional traffic.

What does the environmental vision mean for you?

The environmental vision is the basis for the environmental plan to be drawn up later. Among other things, this plan will replace all of Nuenen's zoning plans. The vision also gives direction to all other - partly mandatory - municipal programs and plans. It is therefore likely that you as a resident or business owner will be directly or indirectly affected. For example, when applying for an environmental permit. Or when establishing a business.

We invite everyone to work with us on the living environment of Nuenen. The Environmental Vision creates the frameworks for initiatives. It is not only the municipality that is working on this. We also like to see initiatives coming from society. Even if they do not yet fit precisely within the rules of the zoning plan (in future the environment plan). To check whether the municipality still wants to facilitate the initiative, we pay attention to the following points:

  1. The initiative contributes to Nuenen's ambitions/ choices and tasks.
  2. The initiative does not detract from the core qualities and, where possible, contributes to strengthening them.
  3. The initiative makes a positive contribution to health.
  4. At a minimum, the initiative must comply with legal standards and regulations.
  5. If the initiative does not fit within the rules of the environmental plan, the initiators consult with the environment about their plans at the earliest possible stage.

Download the infographic adopted Omgevingsvisie Nuenen.


On July 1, 2022, the Omgevingswet will go into effect in the Netherlands. With the arrival of this law, many things will change. For example, this law combines 26 existing laws for building, environment, water, spatial planning and nature, among others. This Omgevingswet requires all municipalities to draw up an environment vision on the future of the municipality. The vision will be further elaborated in programs, regulations and an environmental plan. It is important for the government to begin preparations now.

Read more about the Omgevingswet on the rijksoverheid website.

One law, one counter, one procedure

Convert your garage into business space? Or turn an empty piece of land into a playing field? Good initiatives sometimes have trouble getting off the ground. That will change from 2022, with the new Omgevingswet. One law, one office, one procedure. That procedure will also go from 26 to 8 weeks. 

This makes the entire process simpler, faster and cheaper. The new Omgevingswet provides more space. Room for the municipality to make its own choices, and room for ideas and initiatives from residents, entrepreneurs, associations and other parties in Nuenen. At the same time, the Omgevingswet Act also calls for more initiative from the initiator. So if you have an idea, you need to find support for it in the surrounding area.

Why a vision?

On July 1, 2022, the Omgevingswet will go into effect. With the arrival of this law, many things will change. For example, this law combines 26 existing laws for building, environment, water, spatial planning and nature, among others. The Omgevingswet requires all municipalities to draw up an environmental vision for the future of the municipality. It is important for the government to begin preparations now.

With the environmental vision, we have one policy for Nuenen for our physical living environment. In this environmental policy, health is the connecting factor. That may sound strange. Health and the physical living environment. But it isn't. Our living environment has a lot of influence on our health. Think of air quality, but also the opportunity to exercise and meet.

The environmental vision deals with the physical living environment and how its quality can be improved. The environmental vision includes spatial planning (e.g. how many houses are there, what will be needed in the future), the design of the public area (e.g. where should there be playgrounds or a park) and the environment. In addition, the national themes of sustainability, energy transition, climate adaptation and health are also reflected in the environmental vision.

The Omgevingswet assumes that together with the community we become responsible for the physical environment. With this in mind, it is also only logical that we made the environmental vision together with our residents, entrepreneurs, associations and partners. 


The environmental vision deals with many topics. For Nuenen, these are divided into 4 tasks and starting points:

  • high-quality residential and living environment,
  • the vital society,
  • a robust landscape and
  • Nuenen in Brainport

Health is the connecting factor here. That may sound strange. Health and the physical environment. But it isn't. Our living environment has a lot of influence on our health. Think about air quality, but also the opportunity to exercise and meet.

Environment Agenda

An important step toward the environmental vision is the environmental agenda. For this we spoke with more than 500 Nuenen residents during interviews, surveys and meetings. The agenda states what the vision must contain in any case; the important wishes, qualities and developments, the tasks and starting points. 

The environmental agenda was adopted by the City Council on February 13, 2020. We have also conveniently displayed the contents in an infographic.

Residents thought along

The environmental vision is important to everyone. That is why this vision was created together with you. Everyone has been able to contribute ideas and participate in various ways. 

Survey of qualities, aspirations and concerns

To begin, we took to the streets. Dressed in red jackets, we interviewed 300 residents. To reach as many people and different audiences as possible, we went to many different places. Along the line, at the pub, the library and the flea market. We also organized meetings with village councils, business owners, young people, the elderly and children. Over 500 people shared their view of our village with us. The qualities, the ambitions and the points of interest.


The message was clear: keep Nuenen the way it is. Village, cozy, quiet and green. Of course, there will always be something left to wish for. We collected these wishes from you:

  • 'We want to play sports and do fun things together'
  • 'We want green in our villages'
  • 'We want a cozy and beautiful downtown'
  • 'We don't want to sit in traffic jams anymore'
  • 'We want to be attractive to young people and care for the elderly'
  • 'We want green around our villages'
  • 'We want to be able to play and exercise outside'


Enough material to talk about together. Because it may not seem exciting to keep Nuenen as it is, but with developments such as mobility, sustainability and an aging population, that is quite a challenge. This creates the necessary dilemmas. The call for housing is great, but how do we do that if we want to keep Nuenen green? On the basis of these dilemmas, we entered into discussions with Nuenen associations. It showed us where we agree, but also where opinions are divided.

The qualities of Nuenen

The online survey in late 2020 provided a nice picture of how Nuenen residents view the qualities of village, green, quiet and cozy. Some 1,500 people participated and chose the photos and statements they felt best fit the qualities mentioned. This provides even better insight into these qualities and the Nueneners' perception of them. With this information, we can describe the qualities in the environmental vision even better. In order to cherish and improve them in the future.

Favorite places

In addition to the four qualities in words and pictures, participants could also indicate their favorite spot in the municipality and which spot could be improved in their eyes. This part also yielded many useful responses. These are now being inventoried and classified so that they can be considered for future development. 

What were the most frequently chosen statements by topic?

Which statement best fits quiet Nuenen?
"Lots of greenery in the neighborhood" (502 votes) 2.
"Walking in the woods" (433 votes) 2.
A quiet residential street|(369 votes) 3.

Which statement best fits green Nuenen?
"Outlying area close by" (438 votes) 1.
"Green parks in the village" (360 votes) 2.
"Nuenen pants and the Herendonken" (331 votes) 3.

Which statement best fits cozy Nuenen?
Cozy center" (434 votes) 2.
Nice eating out" (412 votes)
A full terrace" (333 votes)

Which statement best fits village Nuenen?
"The terraces around the park" (412 votes) 2.
"Picturesque village" (295 votes) 2.
"Located in the green" (287 votes) 3.

What were the most chosen photos? 

The pictures show the photos chosen by topic. The larger the photo, the more it was voted on. 

What makes Nuenen village? You'll see several photos of Nuenen, the largest of which is Het Park and De Parkstraat in Nuenen.
What makes Nuenen cozy? You'll see several photos of Nuenen of which the cafes on Het Park are pictured largest.
What makes Nuenen green? You'll see several photos of Nuenen, the largest of which shows the pond in Het Park.
What makes Nuenen peaceful? You'll see several photos of Nuenen with the largest being The Park, the Vincent van Gogh church and mill De Roosdonck.

Download the complete report of the participation process.