Reception of refugees by COA at Pastoorsmast Nuenen
This page contains information about the plans for the establishment of an asylum seekers' center (AZC) at the Pastoorsmast in Nuenen. This page is regularly updated with new messages. Previous messages can be read back below.
Do you have a question about the establishment of the AZC? Then check out the Frequently Asked Questions below. These are divided into several categories. Is your question not listed? Then email us at
Jan. 29, 2025 - Alternative dog walking areas.
The area Pastoorsmast is frequently used by dog owners to let their dogs out and run loose. Since this will soon no longer be possible, we would like to point dog owners to alternatives in the area. There are several dog walking areas around the Pastoorsmast.
Jan. 14, 2025 - Municipality and COA sign agreement.
Last Monday, Jan. 13, Mayor Van Toorenburg signed the board agreement with COA. On behalf of COA, board member Joeri Kapteijns put the signature. This means that the agreements surrounding the arrival of an asylum seekers' center at the Pastoorsmast are now officially recorded.
The management agreement contains the agreements on the division of tasks, rights and duties of both the municipality and COA. The most important:
- It will house 159 people.
- The shelter is intended for 5 years, with the possibility of extending it for up to 5 years.
- Regular consultation takes place with immediate neighbors and residents further down the street. This is done through an Environmental Management Group.
- There are clear arrangements for order and safety, both on site for residents and off site.
December 17, 2024 - Status of December 2024.
The Omgevingswet permit application is pending with the municipality. It was submitted in late 2023 and COA is still completing the application with the spatial substantiation in the areas of soil, water, traffic and external safety, among others. The site must be restored to its original state after the azc closes. This requires a modified foundation. Various studies for fire safety, nitrogen, noise, air and energy supply will also be included. When the permit application is complete, the municipality will make a decision.
In anticipation of construction and permitting, work is underway on the Pastor's Mast property to install cables and pipes.
On behalf of the College of B&W, the mayor signs the management agreement that the college enters into with COA. The board agreement incorporates the City Council's motion of March 21, 2024. This agreement, including the accompanying security plan, will then be published on this page.
The municipality and COA will enter into a lease agreement for the lease of the site at Pastor's Mast to COA.
The city council has made a livability pot of €50,000 available for activities that contribute to livability in the vicinity of the asylum seekers' center. RKSV Nuenen and Scouting Panta Rhei will receive part of the amount in the form of a subsidy. The other part is available for initiatives by people living in the vicinity of the asylum seekers' center that improve the quality of life. Initiators can submit an application to the municipality for this purpose.
The area where the asylum center will be located will no longer be usable as a dog walking area and playground. The municipality is Map the current use and exploring alternatives.
COA uses the following concept planning for the realization of the azc. COA has recently been working on the technical details of the above-ground and underground infrastructure and the buildings. The service building will house the offices of COA and its chain partners for health care and refugee work. In addition, the general areas for the residents will be located there. In accordance with the management agreement, the residential buildings may not house more than 159 residents.
The final checks are now being made for the planning permission application and the 'building' permit application for the residential building. For the service building, the documents for the 'building' permit are being prepared. These permits are expected to be issued in early 2025. COA will then begin the underground work, installation of the units and, finally, the above-ground work and furnishing. Completion is expected to take place in late Q3 / early Q4 2025.
Fringe projects
The municipality is carrying out 8 preconditional, civil projects in the vicinity of the azc on the Pastoorsmast. These projects are conditional because they must be completed before the asylum seekers' center becomes operational. They involve civil and/or traffic adjustments to improve safety, accessibility and livability in the vicinity of the asylum seekers' center. We take into account an increase in the number of (slow) traffic movements in the area. The projects originate from the consultations with the sounding board group and have been further elaborated on the basis of traffic engineering recommendations. Below we indicate for each project what we will do.
1) Intersection Oude Landen - Maatschappijweg
- Maintain existing right of way arrangement (equivalent);
- Apply intersection plateau 30 km/hour, including connections Boschhoeve and the separate bicycle path. This plateau will be executed in brick pavement;
- Install traffic signs;
- Have footpath from Pastoorsmast to main entrance azc connected to the plateau.
2) Intersection Pastoorsmast - parking lot Soccer Club
- Retain existing right of way arrangement;
- Retain current implementation;
- Add continuous suggestion lanes (broken line) and refresh existing lines;
- Install traffic signs supporting right of way arrangement;
- Trim overhanging greenery where necessary.
3) Connection Peellandlaan Hemelsepad and 4) Construction footpath Peellandlaan
- Maintain existing right of way arrangement (equivalent).
- Install raised intersection plateau 30 km/h with speed bumps. This platform will be constructed of brick paving.
- Allow a separate bicycle path to connect at right angles to Peellandlaan.
- Construct new footpath along the south side of Peellandlaan and allow it to connect to the existing footpath along Hemelsepad.
5) Construct footpath azc to Hemelsepad
- Allow footpath from Pastoorsmast to main entrance azc to connect to platform.
6) Clean up Sky Path and 7) Clear Sky Path tunnel
- Install missing public lighting on the paths.
- Prune the public greenery and sweep the asphalt.
8) Modify bike cross track and footpaths
- After construction of the azc, we will review which routes for the bike cross track and footpaths need to be modified.
- Construct footpath from the azc to Hemelsepad.
Specifications drawings for the prerequisite projects have been prepared and are available for inspection. Soon the work will be put out to tender and a contractor will be selected. Communication about the implementation will take place in the usual way via the website and in Rond de Linde and De Nuenense Krant.
Nov. 18, 2024 - Electricity work dates (updated!)
On Nov. 25, the company Kenter will install a transformer station at the site. For this, a foundation will first be laid. On November 26, the substation will be equipped with an earth stake. By striking an earth pin, overvoltages, caused by short circuits due to lightning for example, are immediately conducted to the ground. This prevents possible damage to buildings and electrical equipment.
Enexis will connect the station to the power grid during the week of December 9. Before that, they will still be digging in cables.
Sept. 26, 2024 - COA applies for permit for AZC.
On Sept. 24, 2024, COA (Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers) applied for a permit for the establishment of an asylum seekers' center and, more specifically, for the construction of the housing units and the layout of the site. This is one of the permits that COA has submitted or will submit in order to establish the asylum seekers' center at the Pastoorsmast. The application will be published on the website.
In late 2023, COA already applied for a permit to deviate from the zoning plan. That application was incomplete but has since been completed. The municipality will now process it further.
Some additional permit applications are expected to follow. These include the installation of a service building and the fire-safe use of the asylum center.
June 11, 2024 - Probing survey.
On Thursday, June 13, starting at 8 a.m., soundings will be conducted at the AZC site on Pastor's Mast. This survey will determine the bearing capacity of the soil.
May 27, 2024 - Infiltration survey
On Monday, June 3, 2024, an infiltration survey will be conducted at the site for the asylum seekers' center on Pastor's Mast. This is expected to last all day.
April 30, 2024 - Site measurements
On Thursday, May 2, 2024, COA will take site measurements at the site for the asylum seekers' center on Pastor's Mast. These measurements are necessary to make technical drawings of the site.
March 27, 2024 - City Council says yes to azc at Pastor's Mast.
On March 21, 2024, the City Council adopted the amended frameworks for the development, realization and operation of the Pastoorsmast shelter site. These frameworks form the starting points for the management agreement that the college concludes with COA. This council decision enables the establishment of an asylum seekers' center at the Pastoorsmast.
Numbers, duration and composition
The asylum center at Pastoorsmast will provide housing for 159 asylum seekers for five years, with the intention to extend the agreement to 10 years. An annual evaluation will take place. With the number of 159, Nuenen exactly meets the task imposed on our municipality by the dispersal law. The inflow will be phased. The management agreement that the college concludes with COA includes the stipulation that COA will make every effort to achieve a balanced composition of the group of asylum seekers to be received. Maximum efforts will be made to place asylum seekers who have prospects of later placement in the region.
Safety Plan
A comprehensive and concrete security plan is attached to the management agreement. This plan describes the consultation structure between all administrative stakeholders (the city council, COA, the security triangle and the security region). The plan also contains a description of the consultation and communication with local residents and all stakeholders of Nuenen and the Health a continuous process of monitoring. In addition, the plan contains a clear description of security, both on the asylum seekers' center grounds and in the surrounding area, and a clear procedure in case of incidents with guaranteed follow-up. Finally, the security plan will include the possibility to immediately terminate the agreement in case of serious calamities.
Flanking projects and livability pot
The council agreed to the proposed budget of €50,000 for a liveability pot that can be quickly deployed for matters that benefit the liveability around the asylum seekers' center. Budget has also been made available for the implementation of a number of flanking projects in the vicinity of the asylum seekers' center. These projects are the result of consultations between the municipality and the sounding board group for the reception of refugees. They involve interventions in public spaces aimed at (traffic) safety, accessibility and thus also the quality of life in the direct vicinity of the asylum seekers' center. These projects must be realized before the azc is put into use. The cost of this is very roughly estimated at €200,000. Both amounts will be covered by the Ukrainian budget, which is also intended for the broad target group of refugees.
How does it go from here?
The municipal project team and board now continue to work on the board agreement that the college enters into with COA and elaborate the associated security plan. Work will also begin on the development, scheduling and implementation of the flanking projects.
At the same time, the permit process is ongoing; COA applied to the municipality for an environmental permit in December 2023. COA will adapt and further complete that application to the new frameworks, after which it can be processed. You cannot object to the application; you can only do so after the municipality has made a decision. The municipality's decision will be published on Would you like to know how to object? Please visit
Want to stay informed?
This page is constantly updated with new reports on the development of the asylum seekers' center. We also publish important notices in the municipal notices in local newspapers.
Feb. 26, 2024 - Decision making azc
The agenda committee decided to include the decision on the azc in the regular council meeting of March 21, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chamber in the Klooster. This cancels the previously communicated date of March 13.
Feb. 19, 2024 - Amended dates for consideration of council proposal by council
Feb. 19, 2024 - The dates for the City Council's consideration of the council proposal Refugee Reception Site Pastoorsmast have been changed. The judging evening on this topic will take place on Monday, Feb. 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chamber in the Klooster. Decision-making will follow on Wednesday, March 13.
Are you for or against?
During an agenda item, speakers may express their views in the first term, after which council and citizen members may ask additional questions. If you would like to speak, please sign up by Friday, Feb. 23, at 12:00 p.m. via (right to speak) or email Municipal Clerk’s Office
The meeting can also be followed live at link) and LON TV(external link).
Jan. 8, 2024 - COA applies for environmental permit for Pastoorsmast shelter site.
COA has submitted to the municipality of Nuenen an application for an environmental permit for the establishment of a temporary AZC, Nuenen C 3036. This application has been registered under case number 08201967442. You can view the application at If you subscribe to the e-mail service, you will automatically receive messages.
You cannot object to a permit application. You cannot do so until a decision has been made. The municipality makes a decision on the application only after the city council has expressed its opinion on the AZC and its intended location. A council proposal has been submitted for this purpose. The date on which the council will consider the proposal has not yet been set by the agenda committee. As soon as that date is known, we will announce it on our web page and in the local newspaper. For information about council meetings and opportunities to speak, please visit the council information website. After publication by the Municipal Clerk’s Office, prior to the council meeting, you can view the council proposal there.
Dec. 19, 2023 - Consideration of council proposal by city council
The City Council wishes to hold a public discussion on the frameworks for the development, realization and operation of the Pastor's Mast shelter site. A council proposal has been written for this purpose. The council proposal also includes (budget for) the realization of the preconditional projects, which have emerged from the efforts of the sounding board group.
The date on which the council will consider the proposal has not yet been set by the agenda committee. As soon as that date is known, we will announce it on our web page and in council notices in the door-to-door newspapers. For information about council meetings and opportunities to speak, please visit the council information website at After publication by the Municipal Clerk’s Office, prior to the meeting, you can view the council proposal there.
Administrative agreement with COA
The frameworks included in the council proposal form the starting points for the management agreement that the Municipal Executive concludes with COA for the reception of refugees at the Pastoorsmast. Following the council's decision, the municipality and COA will discuss the management agreement further. In this management agreement, the college wants to make agreements about the number of refugees we will receive in Nuenen, the duration of the agreement, evaluation moments, the target group and community participation. A Security Care Memorandum is also part of the management agreement.
Update process realization azc Oct. 17, 2023
During the summer period, the municipality's consultations with both COA and the refugee reception sounding board group were largely halted. After the summer, the process was resumed. With this message we inform you of recent developments.
Consultation sounding board group refugee reception
After the first walk-in meeting for local residents last May, the sounding board group for the reception of refugees was established. Together with the municipality, this sounding board group is thinking about possible solutions to the various issues and concerns that local residents expressed in the May 10 and July 3 residents' meetings. This is being done under the guidance of the municipality's project group. The starting point for the meetings is that the azc will be located at the Pastoorsmast.
In the sounding board group, the residents of the Boschhoeve, Kremersbos, Schietbergen, Tweevoren and Zandschel neighborhoods are represented. The associations located at the Pastoorsmast, the Almost Home Home Latesteyn, the churches and the LEV group are also members of the sounding board group.
In recent meetings, the focus group brainstormed on the following topics:
- Setting up the asylum seekers' center
- Traffic structure in the vicinity of the asylum center
- Other issues around the asylum center
- Security care azc
- Activities and volunteers
- Working together at the asylum center
All ideas and suggestions from the sounding board group will be examined by the municipality in terms of feasibility and integration into the plans for the asylum seekers' centre and worked out in detail. The municipality will provide feedback to the sounding board group on the proposals and what has been done with them. The implementation of some of the sounding board group's proposals may require an additional budget. The college will then submit an application to the council for this.
Administrative agreement with COA
Preparatory talks are currently taking place at the official level between the municipality's refugee reception project manager and COA advisors. The purpose of those talks is to reach a board agreement between the college and COA for the reception of refugees at the Pastoorsmast. Talks at the board level between the Alderman social affairs and COA management will follow. In the board agreement, the college wants to make agreements on the number of refugees to be accommodated in Nuenen, the duration of the agreement, evaluation moments, the composition of the group to be accommodated (think of the phase of the asylum procedure in which refugees find themselves) and environmental participation. The Security Care Memorandum (as an annex) is also part of the management agreement.
In addition to the management agreement, COA will apply to the municipality for an environmental permit to establish the asylum center. The municipality has not yet received an application. All permit applications are published on and in the municipal notices in the local door-to-door newspapers.
Opinion TRK
In September, the Spatial Quality Team (TRK) of the municipality of Nuenen advised on the integration of the asylum seekers' center into its surroundings based on an initial rough sketch. The TRK advocates higher residential buildings on the side of the Pastoorsmast to create more space on the site. Keywords: friendly, open, subdued and with natural colors. The TRK indicates that if you design the place nicely, residents will feel more comfortable and that helps with neighborhood acceptance. The TRK organized a mini-workshop to help COA further develop the initial site sketch. The TRK will advise again on the final design.
City Council involvement
The City Council asked the Alderman at the July 13 council meeting to further shape the process with the council in September.
On September 26, council members, together with members of the college, visited the azc on the Kanaaldijk in Eindhoven. COA provided a tour and explanation. Afterwards, Alderman Niels Wouters and project leader Simon Le Fèvre talked to the council about the process from development to realization of COA's reception facility in Nuenen. Discussions included the management agreement which the college is concluding with COA, the spatial procedure, the sounding board group for the reception of refugees and other participation and communication. Attention was also paid to the timeline and the steering of the process and there was room for questions and ideas.
During this meeting, the council members asked the Alderman to organize a public discussion in the council about the frameworks for the coming of the azc to Nuenen. The project manager will work out a council proposal for this purpose.
As soon as it is known when the council will consider the proposal, we will announce it on this page and in council notices in the door-to-door newspapers. For information about council meetings and opportunities for residents to speak, please visit the council information website.
TV series 'At our AZC' 02 10 2023
The makers of the program 'Bij ons op het AZC' (At our asylum seekers' center) followed 13 residents and employees of the asylum seekers' center in Zutphen for a year. This resulted in "intimate portraits of very 'ordinary' people, living together under a glass bell jar," according to the makers. The series starts today, Monday, October 2, at 10:20 p.m., and can be seen on NPO 2 and NPO Start.
Read more here: and watch the trailer.
Open AZC day Sept. 23, 2023
Much of what we think we know about life at an AZC comes from what we read in the newspaper or see on TV. Would you like to see for yourself what an AZC is really like, who lives there, what the housing looks like? Then go visit.
On Neighborhood Day, Saturday, September 23, almost all azc locations will open their doors for local residents and other visitors between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. From Nuenen, the nearest participating locations are in Eindhoven, Helmond, Veldhoven and Oirschot. Drink a cup of coffee or tea, meet residents and staff and get an impression of daily life in an asylum seekers' center.
For more information, visit
Resident Night July 3, 2023
We promised to inform the other residents of Nuenen after the people living in the immediate vicinity. We did so on Monday, July 3, during a residents' meeting for all Nuenen residents. We wanted as many different residents as possible to have their say during the meeting. Many questions were therefore asked. Here you will find the presentation of that evening and the 'report' in the form of the (most) frequently asked questions and their answers.
June 16, 2023 - Memo Clarifying location choice Pastor's Mast.
May 6, 2023 - Message: Nuenen makes land at Pastoorsmast available
There is a humanitarian refugee crisis in the Netherlands. The reception of refugees has stalled and this has been leading to distressing situations for some time. In Brabant alone, the COA (Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers) needs 2,500 new reception places. The Dutch government is preparing a dispersal law, through which it wants to make municipalities responsible for providing refugee reception locations, by force if necessary.
Nuenen makes land available at Pastoorsmast
Late last year the Nuenen City Council spoke out against Gulbergen as a location for the reception of asylum seekers. The municipality itself then took the initiative and looked into whether there were locations in our municipality that would be suitable for the reception of refugees.
Based on that study, it was decided to make a vacant site between the Pastoorsmast and the A270 available for the reception of up to 200 asylum seekers by COA. This for a period of up to 10 years in total, with an explicit moment after 5 years to determine whether the reception will be maintained or not.
Positive experiences with refugee reception in Nuenen
By offering this location for reception by COA, we can contribute to the solution of this humanitarian crisis. Nuenen has the space to cooperate in the reception and previous experiences with refugee reception in Nuenen have been positive. Many Nuenen residents have volunteered and continue to do so. Together, we are also striving to provide humane reception for the future residents of COA's reception site at the Pastoorsmast.
Follow-up steps
COA will continue to technically develop the plans for the site. The municipality will enter into a management agreement with COA for the realization of the reception location. This will contain working agreements on, for example, the construction and layout of the location, the reception and guidance of the asylum seekers, necessary adjustments to the infrastructure, the realization of facilities (such as education, health care and activity programs) and the liveability and safety at and around the reception location.
We look forward to hearing from you
We want to communicate openly and transparently with all residents about the arrival of the asylum seekers' center. The decision to accommodate refugees at the Pastoorsmast may raise questions for you. We are happy to answer them.
Directly adjacent residents and other directly interested parties have been invited to a private walk-in evening and to participate in a sounding board group. These include residents of the Boschhoeve neighborhood, Kremersbos and the homes directly adjacent to the route to the Kernkwartier. In addition, soccer club RKSV, scouting Panta Rhei, Near Home Home Latesteyn and entrepreneurs from the area. We will start by talking with them about what they consider important in the realization of the COA reception location at the Pastoorsmast, so that we can take that into account in the further development of the plans.
We hope to organize a meeting for all Nuenen residents still in June. Then we will be able to tell more about the filling of the location. In the meantime, we will keep you informed of developments on our website, the door-to-door newspapers and the municipality's social media channels.
Learn more
You will always find the latest information on refugee reception here. You can also find frequently asked questions and their answers here. This page is continuously updated with new information as it becomes available.
Information about COA's activities and life at a reception site can be found at
Want to start a well-informed conversation about asylum reception or asylum seekers? Then take a look at
Do you have questions for the municipality and your question is not listed in the frequently asked questions? Then ask it by e-mail:
Frequently asked questions - General
Why do we need to host refugees in Nuenen?
There is a humanitarian refugee crisis in the Netherlands. The reception of refugees has stalled and this has been leading to distressing situations for some time. In Southeast Brabant, COA needs 2,900 additional places. Municipalities have a responsibility from the security regions to accommodate a set number of refugees. With the arrival of this COA reception site, Nuenen is meeting its target for the reception of asylum seekers.
Why don't refugees just stay in their own countries?
The situation in the countries where asylum seekers come from is very unsafe. They flee war and violence (Syria, Yemen, Eritrea, Somalia) or persecution and oppression (because of race, political opinion, orientation, religion or because they belong to a certain social group). Asylum seekers apply for protection in our country based on the United Nations Refugee Convention.
How many asylum seekers are coming to Nuenen?
The asylum seekers' center on the Pastor's Mast can accommodate up to 200 asylum seekers. The exact number depends on the layout of the site. That has not yet been determined.
How many refugees is Nuenen now hosting?
Nuenen is hosting about 100 Ukrainians at the Vrouwkensakker. Nuenen has a task for this year to house 66 status holders. This reception and housing is separate from the task we have in the Netherlands of providing a safe haven for asylum seekers.
When will the first asylum seekers come to Nuenen?
That can't be said yet. There is still much to be done before the first asylum seekers can enter COA's reception facility. Preparation time is needed. Permits must be applied for and, of course, the construction itself will take some time. As soon as there is more clarity about the planning, we will report this on our website.
Will there be more asylum seekers in Nuenen after this location?
We do not expect this. Because 200 asylum seekers is more than we as a municipality would strictly need to house at the moment, even if the number of asylum seekers to be housed were to increase in the future, we would still meet our target.
Will there be a shelter at Gulbergen in addition to this location?
No, that is not our starting point. The municipality believes that there is room in Nuenen for one COA reception site. The municipality has therefore informed the Eindhoven Metropolitan Region that it will not cooperate with the request in principle of the Eindhoven Metropolitan Region to establish an asylum seekers' center on the Gulbergen Estate. It has also been agreed with COA that Nuenen will only get one reception location.
What kind of asylum seekers are coming to Nuenen?
We don't know that yet. The refugees coming to Nuenen have applied for asylum in the Netherlands. They must await the outcome of the assessment procedure in an asylum seekers' center. They are people of various ages and nationalities, families, single adults and children. The composition of this group changes continuously. It is therefore not possible to make clear statements about who will come to Nuenen. COA makes every effort to achieve a balanced composition of residents.
Will there also be Ukrainians at this shelter?
No, there are no Ukrainian refugees coming to the AZC at Pastoorsmast. Ukrainian refugees fall under the European Protection Scheme that allows them to stay in the Netherlands for up to three years. So they do not have to apply for asylum. But they are allowed to. Ukrainian refugees who apply for asylum are given shelter by COA. Refugees from Ukraine who do not apply for asylum here are received by the state. The government has asked municipalities to make reception places available for them. Nuenen has complied and has a reception location for about 100 Ukrainians on the Vrouwkensakker. This will remain and the residents will not move to the new AZC.
What is the cost of such an AZC and who pays for it?
The total costs of building and running COA's reception facility in Nuenen are not yet known. Municipalities with an asylum shelter are entitled to different financial compensation for costs incurred. These are stipulated in the board agreement with COA. The money comes from the budgets of the Ministries of Justice and Security and Foreign Affairs.
If the plans for an AZC on the Pastoorsmast do not go through, will there be no AZC in Nuenen?
In all honesty, we expect that when the dispersal law comes into effect, we as a municipality may reach a point where we ourselves no longer have a say in where in our municipality an AZC will be located. The Rijksoverheid will then have the ability to forcibly designate sites. Pastor's Mast could then also receive a designation. We do not want to wait for the introduction of the spreading law and we see that the need is already very high.
How likely is it that this AZC is going to stay longer than 10 years?
The Alderman emphasized that the Pastor's Mast site will exist for a maximum of 10 years. The Pastor's Mast site is owned by the municipality. As a result, we have control over exactly what happens there.
In the council information letter of April 19, 2023 (Settlement of principle request to establish AZC on Gulbergen Estate) there was a statement that "It is highly plausible that an AZC, once realized, will remain in use for longer than 10 years. This statement was specifically about a larger AZC on the Gulbergen estate. Gulbergen belongs to 21 municipalities combined and therefore we have less control over exactly what happens there.
How does the municipality view the distribution of asylum seekers to be accommodated within the MRE area and Nuenen in particular?
Nuenen is part of the Eindhoven Metropolitan Region (MRE) and believes that each MRE municipality has a responsibility to contribute to the reception of asylum seekers so that this humanitarian crisis can be dealt with collectively.
Regarding dispersal within Nuenen, the difficulty is the operational management of multiple smaller locations. Smaller reception locations are difficult to implement because each location requires staff for reception and guidance, for security, for day care, and so on. Staff is hard to find nationwide. Moreover, smaller sites are proportionally much more expensive.
Should all residents of the AZC soon be given housing in Nuenen?
No, only asylum seekers who receive a residence permit after the asylum procedure and thus become status holders are entitled to housing in the Netherlands. They are distributed throughout the Netherlands and therefore do not necessarily come to live in Nuenen. The people living in the AZC are, with a few exceptions, not status holders, but asylum seekers. As long as they are in the asylum procedure, they live in the AZC. Therefore, there is also no integration into Dutch society.
What do asylum seekers do all day?
Asylum seekers live independently in an asylum seekers' center. They do their housework, take their children to school and go to meetings with organizations such as the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers, the Repatriation & Departure Service and Refugee Council. They must comply with a weekly reporting requirement but are otherwise just going about their lives. They also prepare for their future with programs or volunteer work at the location. Their lives otherwise do take place largely within the reception facility, as opportunities to work or study are limited for the adults. COA offers activities at the location. More information about life at a reception location can be found at link).
What do we in Nuenen gain from refugees?
By looking for a suitable place ourselves and our cooperation with this COA reception site, we keep control of the refugee reception in our village. We also take our social responsibility to contribute to the solution of this major humanitarian problem.
In addition, refugees - under certain Requirements - may be able to work in our municipality. Thus, they contribute to the high demand for personnel.
Does the municipality have examples of places where an asylum seekers' center has been positively received?
There are about 180 asylum seekers' centers in the Netherlands run by COA. We all know the negative stories from Budel and Ter Apel because we read them in the newspaper or see them on the news or social media. This gives a distorted picture of reality. These are not "ordinary" AZCs but application centers. They house 1500 (Budel) to 2000 (Ter Apel) asylum seekers. In Budel it was quiet until Budel became an application center; after that the nuisance increased. We hear nothing from the other locations. Things are generally going well there, but good news is not news so we hear little about that in the media. We are not naive, but we want to present a realistic picture and not be led by the exceptions. See also this study: link).
How will the arrival of this AZC affect the WOZ value of homes?
We don't know that at this point. The University of Groningen (RUG) conducted research on this in 2019: "The opening of large asylum-seeking centers in sparsely populated areas leads to a sharp drop in the price of homes. The selling price of a house can then drop as much as nine percent. These are asylum seeker centers that house five hundred or more asylum seekers. At AZCs in cities or AZCs hosting less than five hundred asylum seekers, no noticeable drop in sales prices has been observed."
The initiative in Nuenen involves housing up to 200 asylum seekers. Of course, the housing market is constantly changing so that also plays a role in the development of house prices.
What is COA?
The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) takes care of the reception of asylum seekers in the Netherlands during the asylum procedure. This means that COA provides housing from the moment the asylum seeker applies for asylum in the Netherlands until the moment the asylum seeker has to leave the Netherlands or is granted a residence permit. See also: link).
Refugees, asylum seekers, status holders, AZC - what is what?
Refugees are people who fear for their lives because of war or other reasons and seek asylum in our country. Refugees who request asylum are called asylum seekers. While their application for asylum is being processed, they are housed in a COA (Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers) reception site, the asylum seekers' center (AZC). Once they receive a residence status in the Netherlands, they are called statusholders. From that moment on, they are also entitled to housing in the Netherlands. The influx of asylum seekers is now very high and the flow of status holders from the AZCs into housing is low due to tightness in the housing market. As a result, status holders often have to live longer in an AZC. And that in turn means there is less room for new asylum seekers, while the number of refugees looking for a home here is not decreasing.
How can I stay informed?
We want to communicate openly and transparently with all residents about the arrival of the asylum seekers' center. In communication, we distinguish between local residents and other directly interested parties on the one hand and all other residents of Nuenen on the other.
Residents of the Pastor's Mast and other direct stakeholders have our attention first and foremost. They are represented in the sounding board group on refugee reception.
This page contains all available information about COA's shelter at Pastoorsmast. We are constantly updating this page with new information as it becomes available. We also share important information through municipal notices in the door-to-door newspapers and on our social media channels.
My question is not listed here; where can I ask it?
You can submit your question to the municipality by sending an e-mail to
Frequently asked questions - Decision making
Why did the municipality choose this location on the Pastor's Mast?
The Nuenen City Council passed a motion in December 2022 indicating that the council does not consider the Gulbergen location suitable for the reception of 500 people. The request in principle submitted by the Eindhoven Metropolitan Region (MRE) was also rejected. The council requested the college to initiate a study of alternative reception locations. Based on that research, the council chose a fallow plot at the Pastoorsmast with the current destination 'event site'.
Six potentially suitable sites emerged from an official reconnaissance. These are the locations Boschhoeve, Collse Hoeve, Gerwen Zuid-Oost, Oude landen (= Pastoorsmast), Pinckart 24 and Wettenseind. These locations were examined for suitability by both COA and the municipality. This involved looking at the environment, land matters, mobility and traffic, environmental law, public order and safety, social domain and housing. These include, for example, access to the location, the surroundings, distances to facilities and more. COA also conducted a paper and physical inspection of the aforementioned locations. Both of these documents form the basis for the considerations and decision-making in the Board of B&W.
The Pastoorsmast site scores reasonable to good on all components. Points of attention are the environment (noise pollution from A270) and the construction of utilities.
The most important considerations for choosing this location are:
- Relevant amenities are within reasonable distance and there is ample opportunity for recreation and sports in the immediate vicinity.
- The site is a reasonable distance from existing residences.
- The site is owned by the municipality. This gives the municipality control over the development of the site.
- The site is not suitable for regular housing development. Thus, the establishment of an AZC does not interfere with existing or future building plans.
- The cons (noise pollution from A270 and lack of utilities) are relatively easy to solve.
Why does the municipality want to accommodate the number of 200 asylum seekers?
According to the government mandate, Nuenen must receive 87 refugees in 2023. The college takes into account that the Rijksoverheid 's target will increase further because there is a great shortage of reception places. In addition, we have looked at what we can accommodate and not just what we have to.
How does final decision-making take place?
The college has made the decision on the location for the AZC. In order to reach a management agreement with COA, we are going through a process involving the sounding board group for the reception of refugees and the city council. The college is authorized to sign this (private-law) management agreement. In the subsequent spatial procedure it will be possible for interested parties to submit views and objections. Exactly how that procedure will proceed depends on the application COA submits to the municipality. That is not clear at this time.
The site was once deemed unsuitable for caravans or housing. Why can it now accommodate asylum seekers?
There should be no permanent housing or pitches on the site. It is now temporary housing for up to 10 years.
Why will the AZC stay in Nuenen for 10 years?
The site will be made available to COA for a total period of up to 10 years, with an explicit moment after 5 years to determine whether or not the shelter will remain in place. This is the starting point for the municipality's discussions with COA regarding the establishment of the AZC. This has to do with the expected long-term need for regular reception places for asylum seekers and with the investment costs for the realization of an AZC. Longer than 10 years is not legally temporary and then an amendment to the zoning plan would be required.
Is there a report or recording available of the April 13, 2023 consultation with the City Council?
No report or recording was made of this meeting. The city council was informed in confidence by the Alderman of the college's decision to make the Pastoorsmast site available to accommodate up to 200 refugees for up to 10 years. It has been a conscious decision to share the college decision taken as soon as possible with the council as the democratically elected representation of the people of Nuenen. This was done in confidence so as not to cause unnecessary unrest and to give the council time to prepare communication with those living in the immediate vicinity.
What does the City Council think about the decision to establish an AZC on the Pastor's Mast?
The decision to designate the site at the Pastoorsmast as a site for an AZC is not a decision that is the responsibility of the City Council. The administrative agreement to be concluded with COA is a private law agreement. The Municipal Executive is authorized to conclude such an agreement. Therefore, it was not voted on by the City Council either.
If you want to know what the various political parties think about it, you can check with them. By the way, later in the process, the groups in the City Council will have the opportunity to give their views on the management agreement.
Why did Gulbergen not go ahead?
Very briefly, the development does not fit within the intended spatial development of Landgoed Gulbergen. A detailed explanation can be read in the council information letter at link). In addition, council members in particular have commented on the fact that they consider the accommodation of 500 people in one location too much and the location is also too far from amenities.
What can I do if I disagree with the arrival of the asylum seeker center in Nuenen or its location?
From the beginning of the process, the municipality will engage with local residents and directly interested parties to discuss wishes and concerns. The municipality will also involve the refugee focus group in the development of the plans. By sharing knowledge and acting together, we expect to address many concerns.
For the realization of the reception site, the required spatial procedures are further completed. In these procedures, interested parties can submit views and objections. Exactly how that procedure will proceed depends on the application COA submits to the municipality. That is not clear at this time.
Frequently asked questions - Involving the environment
Why did the municipality not ask residents for their opinions on the arrival of an AZC in advance?
We take the residents of Nuenen very seriously. However, we do not have the luxury of time in solving this humanitarian problem. A lengthy process involving all residents was therefore not an option. In addition, we did not want to create false expectations about the influence of residents on the decision-making about the arrival of the AZC if there is no real basis that we can meet those expectations. We chose to focus our attention on how, following the decision taken, we can, in consultation with representatives of the neighborhood, achieve a good livable situation in and around the planned shelter at the Pastoorsmast.
Why did the municipality not ask residents beforehand what number of asylum seekers they find acceptable?
We do not want to raise false expectations by asking residents for a number appropriate to them when there is no real basis that we can meet those expectations. We have therefore chosen to focus our attention on how, in consultation with representatives of the neighborhood, we can arrive at a good livable situation around the planned reception location at Pastor's Mast. We are now talking about a maximum number we can accommodate at this location. We will only know the final number after the agreements with COA and it will also depend on the chosen form of housing.
Is the municipality aware of the petition that was started? What do you think about it?
Yes, we know about this petition. A petition is a way to make your opinion known and it is a nice addition to the communication and participation that we envision with Nuenen citizens in this process.
Who are involved in developing the plan?
Following the college's decision on the location, we initially sent an information letter to the residents directly surrounding the Pastor's Mast and invited them to an initial private walk-in evening on May 10. These include the residents of the Boschhoeve neighborhood, Kremersbos and the homes on the other side of Smits van Oyenlaan that are directly adjacent to the walking route to the Core Quarter. In addition, soccer club RKSV Nuenen, scouting Panta Rhei, St. Annagilde Nuenen-Dorp, Almost Home Home Latesteyn and entrepreneurs from the area were invited. We spoke at length with some of them during the private walk-in evening on May 10. They shared valuable information, their concerns and suggestions with us.
In order to ensure the involvement and perspectives of local residents and other stakeholders throughout the process, the Refugee Reception Group has been established. Representatives of the various stakeholder groups will participate in discussions about issues that affect the neighborhood, such as livability, accessibility, layout and facilities. The focus group meets on average once every two weeks. The ideas of the sounding board group will be included in the development of the management agreement that the Municipal Executive concludes with COA.
A meeting will be held on Monday, July 3, 2023, at which all residents of the municipality of Nuenen will receive an explanation of the plans and will be able to ask questions of the municipal government and COA.
We will keep you informed of developments on our website, in the door-to-door newspapers and on the municipality's social media channels.
Frequently asked questions - Fixtures and surroundings
What happens to the function the field now has?
The official function of the field is event site; it is not often used for that purpose. We can accommodate the current informal functions (parking lot, dog-walking area, children's/youth/sports facility) at other locations. We will discuss this with the refugee reception group.
To what extent does an AZC fit into the current zoning plan?
The initiative does not fit within the zoning plan in force there. The parcel at the Pastor's Mast is now zoned "event site. However, zoning plans can/may be deviated from under Requirements and through certain procedures. The procedure depends on the application COA submits to the municipality. It may, for example, be an application for an environmental permit for temporary deviation from the zoning plan or a revision of the zoning plan/environmental plan. A zoning plan revision can be appealed directly to the Council of State. In an extensive deviation procedure, views can be submitted against the draft decision and the final decision can be appealed to the court and an appeal to the Council of State.
The site at the Pastoorsmast also has the status of green-blue mantle. This means that it is an area that has an important secondary function for nature and water and is predominantly adjacent to the Nature Network Brabant and ecological connection zones. The Province will therefore first have to give permission for the establishment of an AZC there. Additional measures may be required due to its location on the A270, such as noise barriers. Normal spatial procedures will be followed.
What will the asylum seeker center look like?
At this time it is not yet known what the asylum seekers' center will look like and how the surrounding area will be laid out. COA is working on a plan for this together with the municipality. In the further development we will take into account the ideas, concerns and information of local residents, as well as the safety of residents and staff and legislation and regulations. As soon as more is known, we will share this information with local residents and on our website.
Does the municipality think an AZC can coexist with a sports facility for youth?
Yes, we believe those two infills can coexist. We expect asylum seekers to behave like other residents and that asylum seekers with children will use the facilities. Any undesirable behavior by asylum seekers will be intervened on the basis of order and safety, just as undesirable behavior by residents.
Frequently asked questions - Livability
What does the municipality do and what does COA do; how are the tasks divided?
COA is responsible for the reception and supervision of the asylum seekers and also takes care of the construction and furnishing of the site. The municipality coordinates any adjustments to the surroundings (such as infrastructure). COA and the municipality make agreements on matters such as education for the children at the reception location, health care and activity programs. They also make agreements about the quality of life and safety around the reception location and the way in which these will be monitored. Under the Municipalities Act, the mayor is responsible for public order and safety in the municipality. Maintaining safety within the reception location is the responsibility of COA.
In addition, COA will provide security, supervision and activities at the site. The details of this will be laid down in the management agreement. We will discuss this with the sounding board group on refugee reception.
Can we choose not to admit "safe landers" and single men?
No, we cannot choose what kind of asylum seekers we get. That is not allowed by law. COA ensures a balanced distribution of asylum seekers across the various locations. Most of the people living in a COA refugee reception location are here because they have fled war, violence or persecution. They come here for their own safety. They are not out to cause unrest or nuisance. Asylum seekers from so-called safe countries are known to be more likely to cause a nuisance. But they make up a tiny percentage of the total group of asylum seekers residing in the Netherlands. See also link).
In Budel there are huge problems with asylum seekers. Surely the same will happen in Nuenen?
Asylum seekers have been received in Budel for many years and for many years that went fine. Since 2 years a small group of asylum seekers has been causing nuisance there. These are asylum seekers who hardly stand a chance of being allowed to stay in the Netherlands. One of the big differences with the situation in Nuenen is that in Budel 1500 people are accommodated. The plan in Nuenen provides housing for a maximum of 200 people.
How will the municipality ensure that the safety of residents/children is not compromised?
We want to put first that the safety of our residents - and especially children - does not depend directly on the arrival of an AZC in our municipality. The safety of our residents depends day in and day out on many more factors. In designing the site and its surroundings, we are mindful of the safety of both local residents and the residents of the AZC. We are in discussion with the sounding board group for the reception of refugees to hear concrete concerns and to devise solutions together that will contribute to the safety of all concerned.
The asylum seekers are allowed to move freely through the municipality just like any other resident and visitor to our municipality, do their shopping, possibly take their children to school and participate in activities organized in Nuenen for residents. They will not be locked up. Of course, like all other residents, they must behave decently and not break any laws. If this is not the case, they - like other residents - will be addressed or punished for it (fines, reporting to the police, etc.). Because this is a completely new situation (suddenly many new people in one place), we will keep an eye on them more than usual, especially in the initial period.
What security measures will there be in (the vicinity of) the asylum seekers' center?
COA and the municipality make agreements together about the quality of life and safety around the reception location and how these are monitored. This will include the wishes, concerns and information of local residents (represented in the Refugee Reception Group). Details are not yet known. The mayor is responsible for public order and safety in the municipality. COA provides 24-hour security at the reception location.
There is a lot of stealing by asylum seekers in stores. Is the municipality taking additional measures for business owners?
There are many assumptions about asylum seekers. The fact is that in most municipalities where there is a COA (Central Organ for the Reception of Asylum Seekers) reception site, the number of shoplifting and other offenses and crimes has not increased. See also link). Any reports of theft are handled as usual.
What is the municipality doing about possible nuisance from asylum seekers?
The municipality and COA make agreements about the liveability and safety around the reception location and how these are monitored. As with nuisance caused by other people, appropriate measures are taken. Nuisance can play a role if people find themselves in a hopeless situation or are bored. COA offers a day program at the location. This allows residents to participate in activities in addition to their household and care duties.
Can we send asylum seekers who cause a nuisance away to another location?
The Netherlands wants to provide security for people fleeing war or violence. A small group abuses this and creates a nuisance or crime. The government can then take various measures. The most appropriate measure is considered per situation. For example, the government may choose to process an asylum application more quickly and to accommodate asylum seekers from safe countries in a more austere manner. Serious troublemakers can be placed in an Enforcement and Supervision Location.
Does the council take into account that it is already difficult to get an appointment with a family doctor?
Yes, access to Health is one of the issues that we agree on with COA. That is a legitimate Health, we see that development as well. Everyone should be able to get the Health they need.
What can we Nuenen citizens contribute to make the AZC a success?
Very important for asylum seekers is that they have a day activity. This is taken care of, but of course it is nice if residents take a role in this. For example, by organizing activities where residents and asylum seekers can meet and learn from each other's culture.
Frequently asked questions - I want to help
I want to become a volunteer at the asylum seeker center soon. Where can I apply?
You can become a volunteer in different ways: at COA itself, at one of its partners or at local initiatives. COA's website has more information on volunteering.
Do you need stuff for the refugees?
On COA's website you can read what items, if any, you can donate.
How can I help?
If there is further information on how you can help, we will make it known through this page.
What is true about asylum reception
Information about the asylum procedure
There is a severe shortage of reception places for refugees in our country. This has led to a humanitarian crisis. In May 2023, the city council announced that it would make available a site on the Pastoorsmast for the reception of up to 200 asylum seekers by the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA). This for a total period of up to 10 years.
We are aware that opinions about the arrival of an asylum seekers' center in Nuenen vary widely. There are outspoken supporters and opponents as well as people who do not have strong opinions. All opinions may be expressed as long as this is done with respect for one another.