Many volunteers are active in the municipality of Nuenen. Thanks to this dedication and commitment, associations can keep running and the most beautiful events take place in our village. In addition, many volunteers make a daily difference in the lives of Nuenen residents with extra need for Health or support. 

Being a volunteer

Have you ever thought about volunteering, or are you currently volunteering?
Then check out the Center for Social Participation (the CMD) page below.

On the CMD website, you can find volunteer job openings, as well as practical information such as how to cover damages and your rights as a volunteer. 

More information volunteering

Volunteer in the spotlight

The special contribution of residents to our community is incredibly valuable, but not always visible to the municipality. Therefore, we ask you as a resident or as an organization to make this commitment known to us. On the page"Municipal Award" you can read the Requirements and how you can nominate someone. This allows us to offer people, associations and organizations an award as thanks for their efforts and commitment.