ASD meeting report Oct. 7, 2021
Report meeting Advisory Council Social Domain Nuenen - Date: October 7, 2021
- Chairman: Paul van den Bosch
- Members: Marian Gersen, Carola Mes, Wilma van Aken, Pieter de Kroon, Marc Slijpen
- Municipality: Ralf StultiënsAlderman social domain), Meriam van Onzenoort (policy assistant ASD), René Hamers (policy officer social developments)
- Members: Nicole des Bouvrie, Linda Boekensteijn
Secretary: Hans Kuijten
1. Opening and setting agenda
The chairman opened the meeting. Two members are unable to attend. Jeroen Moviat has withdrawn as a member of the ASD. The agenda is followed unchanged.
2. Adopt report Sept. 9, 2021
The report was adopted with no comments.
3. Announcements ASD
4. Communications Alderman
Nuenen City Game The Hunt
People have already learned through the local media that the municipality of Nuenen, in cooperation with youth workers from the LEVgroep and DoeNederland, organized the Nuenen City Game The Hunt in September.
Youngsters between 10 and 17 years old went hunting through Nuenen's downtown area in groups of 2 to 4 in this virtual cat-and-mouse game. For more information, visit the municipality's website. The winning teams will be rewarded with Centrumcadea vouchers.
Since there are still play credits left, more games may be organized. In consultation with the youth workers, these dates will be determined and again center business owners, the police, BOAs and various departments of the municipality will be kept informed.
National Sports Week
Municipality of Nuenen participated in the NOC*NSF National Sports Week 2021. Getting as many residents as possible to enjoy sports and exercise, that is what the NOC*NSF National Sports Week from September 17 to 26, 2021 was all about. This is also much needed, because the Dutch have become less fit and less resilient since the corona crisis. The municipality of Nuenen therefore seized the National Sports Week to open the new sports season and, together with local sports providers, to ensure that everyone can and will play sports again. Enjoy sports and exercise together during the NOC*NSF National Sports Week!
The entire program can be found at:
Activities Youth Work
The youth workers of the LEV Group will start a film project in the near future. The goal is to create a connection between youth and enforcement. Police as Boa are enthusiastic about this project and will make an active contribution.
Furthermore, the youth workers have been preparing for several weeks around the so-called "lonely youth." At the end of September, a piece appeared in the local newspaper. In it a kind of call is placed by 1 of the youth. Young people who are interested can then sign up with the youth workers. This because of the project "join us.
Notes adopted
The Nuenen City Council adopted the Note on Informal Care on September 30. The ASD issued a requested opinion on this. Many of the points have been incorporated into the adopted memorandum. The council also adopted the Dementia Friendly Nuenen memorandum during this meeting. The ASD wrote a recommendation on this. Many of the points have been incorporated into the adopted memorandum.
Theater performance Childlove!
Especially for the Week of Parenting, the municipality organizes the online theater show Kindlief. Child therapist Elise Verheul takes you with a smile and a tear on an entertaining and educational journey along the beautiful and difficult aspects of parenthood. Kindlief is organized by the GGD. Nuenen does this together with the municipality of Son and Breugel. Date: Thursday, October 7, 2021.
Extra focus on reporting code for child abuse and domestic violence
An introductory lunch was held at the Town Hall on Monday, October 4. Representatives of Nuenen's elementary school and day care centers were invited to attend. They could get acquainted with the CMD attention officer for this topic and with the contact persons of Safe Home for Nuenen. An inventory was made of what they encounter in practice. Customized training offerings will follow later.
The GGD's Health Monitor is also mentioned in this context. The municipality involves the data in policy changes.
Denormalizing drug use
The municipality participates in a regional project to demotivate youth drug use.
Handyman help for the elderly
As part of internship assignments, Summacollege wants to set up a handyman.
5. Questions to the Alderman
Unlike France, there are hardly any public toilets in the Netherlands. The ASD advocates providing these in the center. Response: the Alderman is positive about this. Nuenen has already joined the app high need.
The ASD advocates the creation of smaller sheltered housing facilities (such as Knarrenhof, for example). This is not just for seniors.
Question: how wheelchair accessible Nuenen is? Answer: in 2020, the senior citizen unions conducted a survey and the results were included in the obstacle plan.
Question: How is the target group of lonely young people being identified? Answer: Youth work is in contact with a number of young people. It appears that this group requires a specific approach. The youth work tries to get in touch with lonely young people via via. The young people themselves are asked what their needs are. Stichting Meedoen also reaches this target group. A tip is to ask these young people to help, which is more inviting.
Q: Is there any clarity on alternative accommodations during the renovation of the Monastery and the Hunger Man. Answer: This has the college's attention.
6. Social domain monitor; by René Hamers
A new format has been chosen. The monitor will be released twice a year as a powerpoint presentation, no longer as a memo. If the ASD has any questions, they will be asked in writing. The method of presentation is considered positive, both by the ASD and the council.
The chairman closed the public part of the meeting.