Date:May 30, 2024
Present:Wilma van Aken, René Gerlings, Marian Gersen, Pieter de Kroon, Carola Mes, Leonie Verhoeven, Luuk Wigard, Margriet Jochems
Absent:Alderman Wouters and Nicole des Bouvrie
Minutes:Kim van Grotel

1. Opening and setting agenda 

The chairman opened the meeting. 

The agenda was adopted.

Question from the ASD if Alderman Niels Wouters could join the next ASD meeting in June 2024? Action item for Kim van Grotel.

Luuk Wigard is leaving the municipality of Nuenen and his colleague Kim van Grotel is temporarily the contact person for the ASD.

2. Announcements ASD

  • Nav the two opinions issued;

The opinions are published on the website and are public. The Advisory Council advises the Municipal Executive, not the City Council. Therefore, the advices are not sent to the City Council. A written response (from the board) is given to the recommendations. In the policy document that is drawn up, it is then indicated in the appendix what has been included from the advice of the ASD. 

The ASD is open to welcoming an experiential member of the WSD Client Council as a member of the ASD and can provide appropriate guidance to candidate/new member.

Alderman Wouters initiated the process for the WSD client council member application.

3. Communication review of volunteer policy 

The review of the volunteer policy was discussed in the image-forming evening. The current note runs until the year 2026 and it was decided not to re-establish the note and not to adjust the policy. The focus is on implementation and visibility. 

The review of the volunteer policy was removed from the agenda of the judgment evening and the City Council was informed of this.

4. Adopt report March 14, 2024

The minutes of March 14, 2024, were adopted.

Mini Guide

Due to the departure of Luuk Wigard, the Minimagids has been postponed. However, conversations have already been scheduled by the Social Development coordinator to pick up the Minimagids.

5. Communications Alderman

There are no announcements from/within the Alderman.

6. Questions to the Alderman

Is er naast de senioren gids gemeente Nuenen, ook een papieren versie sociale gids voor mensen < 65 jaar, die geen computer hebben of digibeet zijn?

No, there is no hard copy of the social guide available.

Now that the Interim Manager CMD is quitting and handing over to a permanent CMD employee, what is the status of the plan of action presented (in early October) and its implementation? 

Angrid Stappers is the new coordinator of the CMD. Angrid will give another feedback on the status of the presented plan of action. 

Are there structured consultations to which ASD members (for concrete input from constituencies) can connect, as is already the case with the informal care chain consultation and Living Health and Welfare. What overarching consultations are there around certain themes in the social domain?

There are various consultations, such as those with the client supporters, with the Village Council, with the Steering Committee on Neighborhood Working, with the Dementia Friendly Nuenen working group, et cetera. Many with the focus from a theme, but Health wide. 

The ASD would like to receive an overview from the municipality with the various consultations such as the District Working Steering Committee. The ASD would like to seek targeted contact with constituencies to gather input and become more visible as an ASD.

Action Item Kim van Grotel.

7. Planning next months and support from the municipality

Social domain vision follow-up: when will the draft be ready for discussion in ASD?

Hasan Baykir warmly thanks the Advisory Council for their advice. As indicated earlier, this was an initial effort where the ASD could give their input. Next, input from the council will be gathered. That information will be incorporated into a draft vision document. This vision document will be discussed in the August 2024 image-forming evening. The draft will then be shared with the ASD. The ASD can respond to that draft vision document. The college will then respond to the advisory council's opinion on the vision social domain.

May 29 was the image-forming evening of the Social Domain Vision. What was the ASD's view of this evening?

There was a pleasant atmosphere and the evening was very effective. The attendees were divided into five groups and in these groups five dilemmas were discussed. The group leaders were policy staff, employees of the LEVgroep and CMD, and there were experts by experience present.

There are a number of concerns from the ASD about the Vision Social Domain: there are long lead times and other process agreements regarding time. The process does not include deadlines for when, for example, the draft version will be delivered. In the context of too few officials, much more cooperation should be sought with other municipalities. Also in drafting a vision.

8. Any other business

Submit agenda items no later than the Monday in the preceding week of the ASD meeting.

9. Closing 

The chairman closed the public meeting.