Date: January 19, 2023

Present: Paul van den Bosch, Carola Mes, Wilma van Aken, Marian Gersen, Nicole des Bouvrie, Mohammed Mohseni (via MS Teams), Linda Boekensteijn, Pieter de Kroon, Niels Wouters, Meriam van Onzenoort, René Hamers (via MS Teams), Suzanne Clooney, Nadine van de Griendt

Absent: Jacqueline van Zuylen, Marc Slijpen

Secretary: Geraldine Koster

1. Opening and setting agenda

The chairman opened the meeting. The agenda was followed unchanged.

2. Adopt report December 22, 2022

The report was adopted without change.

3. Announcements ASD

Ton van Gerwen has withdrawn as a member.

4. Communications Alderman

1. The Youth Assistance Regulation is being amended by the council. It is a technical amendment, a supervisor has been appointed who will identify, investigate, assess, investigate fraud.

2. The vision of District Oriented Working will be adopted by the council. This will be followed by the Neighborhood Oriented Working pilot where advice from the ASD will be sought.

See the updated annual report on the last page.

5. Questions to the Alderman

In the operation of municipal accommodations, such as community centers, the role of volunteers can be quite large to almost complete. From the point of view of resident involvement, the greatest possible role and participation for them seems preferable.

Q: Does the municipality have a consistent policy on the role of volunteers in the operation of e.g. the community centers in Eeneind, Gerwen, Nederwetten and Nuenen?

Answer: There is no specific policy on the use of volunteers in the operation of community centers. What fits best and whether volunteers can also ensure continuity is looked at per location. Regarding Gasterij Jo van Dijkhof, the municipality is still in discussion with Helpt Elkander and no final decision has yet been made. Again, what do the residents and volunteers want, what is the goal we want to achieve and is this compatible with each other?

6. Participation

The presentation will be given by Suzanne Clooney and Nadine van de Griendt.
Suzanne is policy advisor Participation Act income and Nadine is strategic advisor.

The Participation Act is implemented by Dienst Dommelvallei. They also do this for the municipality of Son and Breugel. The purpose of the Participation Act is to temporarily financially support residents until paid employment is possible again. Residents can make use of special assistance in case of special necessary costs. A well-known example is administration costs. Dienst Dommelvallei supports residents in their search for work, for example with a wage subsidy.

It is suggested by the ASD to make it clear via the Nuenen newspaper and Rond de Linde that WSD employees are people with a distance to the labor market. That would create more understanding.

Question: How is wage subsidy handled?

Answer: The condition for wage subsidy is that one cannot earn the minimum wage fully independently. If that is not the case then the wage subsidy is worked toward.

Question: How long will subsidies be provided?

Answer: Wage subsidy can be granted on a long-term basis. This is tested at set times (wage value measurement). As long as someone is unable to earn the minimum wage, they are entitled to it.

A major project is currently underway: 'opportunities', aimed at benefit recipients receiving long-term (longer than 5 years) assistance. From January 1, 2023, part of the broad offensive has started: the cost-sharing standard has been raised from 21 years to 27 years for adults with a minor cost-sharing co-inhabitant.
An additional income exemption is also available for residents receiving wage subsidy and assistance.

In recent years, the work and income department has been very busy implementing additional schemes, such as the TOZO, TONK, energy allowance and the living allowance scheme for refugees from Ukraine. As a result, the work and income policy has not been evaluated for some time. Suzanne and Nadine will work on this in the coming months. The ASD will be informed about the progress and is asked to actively report signals.

7. Social Domain Monitor

René Hamers answered the ASD's questions.

The 2021 monitor was delivered late. This is due to bills from the care providers that still had to be processed. The municipality is working with a new system and it is difficult to get the correct data for 2021 to surface. The 2021 monitor was presented to the city council in November 2022. It is a factual representation of how SD has performed. It zoomed in on Wmo, Youth Act and Participation Act. Related areas of work are informal care, volunteer policy, TOZO and support measures during corona. The municipality aims to have the 2022 monitor ready by summer 2023.

Q&A. (page 4) Wmo indications; These are the new indications, it is not clear how many indications there are in total. Compared to 2020, the number of indications has increased over 46%, mainly for domestic help.

Question: How many of the new indications are reindications?

A: This is not known.

Question: What percentage of residents had one and what percentage had more indications?

Response: This is not broken down in the monitor, perhaps in the next monitor it will be.

Alderman Wouters adds that the City Council asked for an outline monitor.

Question: How does the municipality prevent abuse of domestic help?

Answer: Due to its low-threshold nature, the CMD is accessible to everyone. A consequence is that supply also creates demand. If residents are found to have limitations, they are entitled to domestic help. The municipality may not look at the income/own assets of the resident. People can be addressed on their own moral compass. Increased demand has now created a waiting list for domestic help for everyone.

Question in response to sheet 13: The Pgb expenses have decreased and there is a big difference from the budget, what is the reason for this?

Answer: The difference between the Pgb expenses 2020 and 2021 is € 17,000 An explanation for this may be that residents choose Health in kind because the municipality arranges it.

Question: the budget is prepared based on the previous year. How come there are differences?

Response: The 2021 budget is based on the 2019 realization and on what is known in mid-2020. There are two interim adjustments to the budget during a calendar year. Actual spending depends on the demand for care in a year

Question: What is the reason for the decrease in CMD referrals?

Answer: These are not very large differences. There is no explanation. The line taken in 2022 is that a mental health expert seeks the connection with GPs. We see a favorable development: the number of referrals from GPs to the CMD is four times higher in 2022 than in 2021. GPs' confidence in the CMD has increased. GPs are increasingly referring after consulting the CMD.

Question about the number of requests for help received in total (sheet 12)

Answer: These are Wmo oriented questions. Of these, 69% were taken up by a Wmo counselor and 31% were dealt with by one's own network. The number of requests for help has increased and the number of referrals has decreased. In 2022, there has been an increase in the number of questions since the youth aid pilot in elementary school: Supply creates demand.

Question: (p.9 Inpact of corona on youth): Is there a picture of how many Nuenen students face this type of live event?

A: This is not clear because it is a monitor of ZO Branbant and not of Nuenen.

Nationwide, the signal is that depressive feelings among young people have increased (hopelessness due to corona, Ukraine, little available housing). Nuenen is actively working on this. For example, the Join Us program was started in 2022 and money has been made available in 2023 for the "STORM" in secondary education. Datb is a methodology where depression and suicidal thoughts are caught early.

Asked about the amount of four tons for three juveniles: Someone can be hired from that money to investigate whether this can be done more cheaply.

Answer: The municipality is not the practitioner. This concerns jeudigen with severe multiple problems. Here, the best interests of the youth are always paramount. If this Health is needed, it will be provided. We do investigate the care history of these youth and whether lighter help was started early. Unfortunately, this Health is not always preventable. Most gains can be made in the lighter forms of care. We will start preventive group offerings through the schools in 2023. This may reduce the number of individual indications for play therapy and sovatrainings. The municipality wants to be involved in these lighter forms of care: Which goals are being worked on, are these also

achieved, can parents solve it themselves or is heavier help needed. To track this, an indication through the CMD is desired.

Question: Are there many offerings for the heavier care needs of youth?

Answer: There is a covering offer for heavier Health. We work together with eleven municipalities in the region and for the stay and treatment segment we work together with ten providers with tight agreements. For safety-related Health we work together with the 21 municipalities of Southeast Brabant.

Question: Has there been an increase in demand for debt assistance due to the success of early warning?

Answer: Rene asks.

Q: The eligibility standard for assistance from the Tuition Assistance Foundation has been raised in 2020. The income limit has been raised to 120%. Will this continue into 2022/2023?

Answer: This is indeed ongoing.

8. Closing

The chairman closed the public meeting.