ASD meeting report March 18, 2021
- Date: March 18, 2021
- Present: Chairman: Paul van den Bosch - Members: Marc Slijpen, Carola Mes, Toos van de Ven, Wilma van Aken, Linda Boekensteijn, Pieter de Kroon, Marian Gersen - Municipality: Ralf StultiënsAlderman social domain), Meriam van Onzenoort (policy assistant ASD)
- Absent: Members: Nicole des Bouvrie, Jeroen Moviat
- Secretary: Hans Kuijten
Opening and setting agenda
The chairman opened the meeting. Due to the corona crisis, the meeting will be held digitally. There is notice of the absence of 2 members. The agenda is followed unchanged.
Adopt report Feb. 11, 2021
The report was adopted with no comments.
Announcements ASD
Communications Alderman
- The municipality has started drafting a new informal care policy. The needs and wishes of family caregivers are central to this. We do this through discussions with volunteer caregivers, the volunteer care center, the working group volunteer care, but also knowledge partners such as Movisie, VU Amsterdam, MantelzorgNL and the expertise lab young volunteer caregivers. We want to involve the ASD in policy development at an early stage. So we have already asked for an opinion now. At a later stage - when something is on paper - we will ask the ASD for advice again.
- The council's youth policy proposal was not discussed at the March 10 society committee meeting due to time constraints and was carried forward to the April 14 meeting.
- Minddistrict: the municipality is investigating other municipalities' experiences with Minddistrict. We ask about the experiences in the municipalities of Venray and Beesd. We then request information from the supplier and possibly discuss it with the POH and GPs.
- On March 16, the college decided to make money available for various activities accessible to all Nuenen children and youth. Some examples of activities are: boot camp 14+, baseball, film project, sports and girls afternoon group 7 + 8, Lonely Youth (through PR newspaper and group start) and various games, a ghost tour, scavenger hunt etc. In addition, Halt provides lessons Safe Public Order: for years 3-4 of the Nuenen College. The lessons are about the meaning of a public duty, such as police. Topics include: violence they face, the January riots, the measures and the degree of freedom that is temporarily curtailed. 'How do people react to this, what is acceptable and where does it become transgressive and/or punishable. Where does this violence come from and what role did the students themselves take in this.
- The municipality has started the evaluation of the POH youth. The first step is to Map the number of referrals by Nuenen GPs in the period mid-2018- mid-2019 (before the POH was employed) and mid-2019- mid-2020 (with the POH employed). We will discuss this analysis with the CMD and the POH youth.
- Regional Program 2020-2024: In February, the City Council was informed about the Regional Program 2020-2024 "To the Right Place" via a RIB.
- The TONK scheme is an additional support scheme. €75,000 had already been made available by the state and this amount has since been more than doubled. Each application can receive €600 per month up to a maximum amount of €3,600. At the moment three applications have been honored.
Questions to the Alderman
Question: utilization of public space. What is the status of consultations (wish to share and exchange opportunities & solutions) with sports associations, scouting, LEV, among others, to better utilize facilities and accommodations. What ideas and solutions have these associations provided?
Answer: From Welfare, we are not currently in talks with associations to make concrete steps for more multifunctional use of the accommodations. This has been tried several times in the past. Each time this stranded because of responsibility and liability. In particular, because the associations maintain the accommodation at their own expense and cannot bear the risks for vandalism or excessive use. Therefore, we do not currently have a concrete plan of action. When the council adopts the environmental vision (expected around summer), the facility and accommodations will come back on the agenda. As part of the proposed vitality program, the conversation will then resume. With what priority this will be taken up is not yet clear.
Question: the youth living room in Het Goed, has pros and cons. Is/are alternative central locations still being considered, such as the Scout building adjacent to RKSV?
Answer: There has been an agreement between youth work and Scouting Panta Rhei on the Pastor's Mast for co-use since last year. The youth work can decide on the day whether to use the space in The Good or the Scout building. This depends on group size, weather and type of activity. For a smaller group, the space in Het Goed is more suitable, it is also more furnished as a 'living room'. For somewhat larger groups and/or when the weather is nice, Scouting is available. At this time we are not exploring other locations.
Question: debt prevention policy. What is the state of implementation of this new law in the municipality of Nuenen? Is debt prevention already happening to a sufficient extent?
Answer: As of January 1, municipalities have more options for early signaling. For example, fixed charge partners (gas, water, light, housing corporations) can report arrears to our debt relief workers. Nuenen has already regulated this very extensively in the past, so our municipality was largely ahead of this legislation. As of January 1, municipalities will have the option of receiving these signals in one system. This is currently not happening yet. Nuenen, however, is going to connect to this system (RIS system). Incidentally, this is stipulated in the debt assistance memorandum. However, a regional tender for software in the social domain is currently underway. We want to avoid working with two systems side by side. We have therefore sought the advice of the procurement committee. The committee will then advise us which components of the RIS system we should purchase. We want to do this carefully. Because Nuenen already has extensive local arrangements in the area of early signaling, we won't run into problems. The implementation is AVG pilot.
Question: independent client support 55-min. Are independent client supporters available for this intermediate group? (This question has been asked and answered before).
Answer: The Wmo states that anyone who turns to the municipality for Health or support issues is entitled to independent client support. Client support is for residents from 0 to 100 and is covered by the Wmo. We have special client supporters for youth. We buy this regionally. The three client supporters are there for the other residents, so not just for the 55+ target group. The Alderman will talk to the client supporters to clarify the working method again.
Question: Subscription rate in the Wmo. Does the municipality have a strategy for deciding which extras will be available to everyone or will they be limited to a certain target group?
Answer: The municipality's policy is aimed at increasing the accessibility and awareness of support services. In this way we want to offer residents early help and support and prevent heavier forms of help and support, such as customized facilities. We do want to indicate that we are cautious about funding commercial parties, including informal care brokers. We are currently in talks - in cooperation with our Wmo consultants, the VNG and other municipalities in the country - to see how the costs in the Wmo remain manageable. In November, the VNG provided municipalities with a handbook containing measures that municipalities can take to keep costs in the Wmo manageable. We are currently exploring this, what is desirable and what is feasible. We are tackling this carefully and so are not going to make any (major) changes at this time. Nb.: the ASD wonders whether certain 'provisions' can be separated from the Wmo. Whether this is possible is being investigated by the municipality.
Question: contains a lot of data. With Nuenen, there is a relatively large amount of data missing, especially for 2018 and 2020. Are there explanations for this?
Answer: 2018 data has been provided but not visible. The reason for this is being investigated. For 2020, no data have been transmitted yet. The 2020 monitor is the basis for this but it is not yet ready.
Questions about new Mantel Care Policy
The answers to the ASD's questions will help determine the ASD's advice, which is yet to be drafted. Two types of family caregivers are distinguished, young people and family caregivers aged 23 and over. The suggestion is made to approach them separately, through social media or otherwise.
Other suggestions are: put more emphasis on respite care and issue a short questionnaire to get as many responses as possible.
The chairman closed the public portion of this meeting.