Report of ASD meeting Sept. 12, 2024
Date: | Sept. 12, 2024 |
Present: | Wilma van Aken, René Gerlings, Marian Gersen, Pieter de Kroon (teams), Carola Mes, Alderman Wouters, Hasan Baykır, Meriam van Onzenoort |
Absent: | Margriet Jochems |
Minutes: | Maartje van Bree |
1. Opening and setting agenda
The chairman opened the meeting.
The agenda was adopted.
2. Announcements ASD
- Appointment proposal daisy (contact information) > to congregation handled
President was not aware that an appointment proposal was also needed for this appointment. The college proposal has yet to be made.
- Applicant ASD > introduction in January
Applicant self-reported and wanted to postpone the interview until January 2025.
3. Communications Alderman
Getting started has been and a focus group.
4. Question to the Alderman
In response to ASD July 3: Is there a vision and plan to offer the refugees at the Pastoorsmast a good and meaningful day care from day 1? In their interest and in the interest of the Nuenen community and increasing support please answer this.
'We are in consultation with various Nuenen organizations and concerned to organize the AZC and the reception of the people in a good way. Our project leader is doing this in cooperation with a project team from the municipality and COA. Our first priorities now include the 'physical' side, such as the permit.
Many ideas are already being worked out for furnishing, shelter and livability, and that is going to get a boost especially when the above is completed. Of course, meaningful day care is part of this.'
Additionally, about the municipality's vision around the shelter and thoughts on it, there have been many meetings with the neighborhood, the Lev group and also within the council. These were incorporated into the council documents adopted by the council on March 21. If you would like to know more about the AZC you can check the site: = Opvang vluchtelingen door COA aan Pastoorsmast Nuenen | Gemeente Nuenen.
The ASD is thinking of the Nuenen entrepreneurs. Municipality has spoken with center manager and they also see a role for the arrival of the AZC. Crisis emergency shelter at Nuenen municipality, finalized location and had conversations with volunteers. A lot of volunteers want to work for the AZC. For the crisis emergency shelter 150 volunteers have signed up.
5. Feedback conversation July 10 on municipality-ASD collaboration and picking up topics to explore together in greater depth
On July 10, the chair, Alderman and WMO policy officer met to share points the ASD is running into. These points include turnaround time of documents, request for advice and involvement. Spread busy moments and quiet moments and thus the load on ASD members. Planning and degree of facilitation in interest of advice you have. How will we work together in the future? How will we look at new members and new direction and the advisory process?
How has the ASD itself experienced these points? The ASD notes that the response by the college to advice has varied. The ASD finds the long processing times understandable, but could be faster. ASD sees the importance of cooperation between municipalities as a means of reducing processing times.
The Alderman explains that there is regional cooperation at the Dommelvallei level, but we also cooperate intensively for Youth, when it comes to public health or for Protected Housing and Homelessness. The most intensive partner in this is Son and Breugel, for example, for participation or within purchasing. The Alderman says that despite a great deal of cooperation with the municipalities, many things remain that are specific to the municipality of Nuenen and must be done differently. After all, every municipality is different.
It is of course possible for the ASD to receive information or be part of a process at the front, as was the case, for example, with the residential care vision and the social domain policy framework. For the ASD there is always the possibility to ask questions and on the other hand there is always concrete and substantive feedback with explanations if there is a need for it.
The volatility within the social domain that is there now makes it difficult, because we are tied to council schedules, but also to staffing. When someone leaves, they take their knowledge and experience with them. A new employee still needs to be inducted and sometimes misses the history around a file. Bringing documents forward remains a challenge.
The chairman's question is whether there is any added value and whether an ASD is still needed. Alderman responded that the ASD is a representation for our residents. It would be a shame if the ASD is no longer involved.
Recruit new members:
The desire to organize diversity within the ASD is laborious. The WSD client council has been asked to participate within the ASD. They are working to see who that can be from their organization. We are now in a situation where many people have left. The Alderman suggests that apart from the agenda and advisory documents, purely ASD and the processes around it should be discussed in an evening.
Before talking about the recruitment of new members, the Chair ASD would like to hear in the internal part of the meeting whether the 3 ASD members whose first term expires will continue for a second term.
6. Social Domain Monitor (attachment).
Presentation concerns Monitor Social Domain by Meriam van Onzenoort.
Question: article Groningen, medical examinations with an end date validity stopped. In fact, there was an end date validity on both the examinations and the decision, while the restrictions are fixed and do not transfer. How does the college think about this?
Official response: Beschikkingstermijnen. CMD geven verschillende termijnen op als einddatum bij een beschikking. Er zijn beschikkingen waarvan we bij voorbaat weten dat de situatie nooit beter gaat worden. Enige aanleiding om de beschikking te herzien, in te trekken, de voorziening te beëindigen en een nieuw besluit te nemen ligt in de innovatie binnen de zorgmarkt en ontwikkeling in de medische zorg. In die situatie hoeft geen einddatum te zijn op de beschikking. Wel willen wij contact houden met de cliënt en doen daarom periodiek onderzoek.
There are circumstances where changes do occur (sometimes on short notice). Therefore, those decisions include an estimated end date at which the counselor reassesses the client's situation.
There are also situations in which it is certain that no improvement is going to take place, but on the contrary there is such a progressive condition that in the short term the established facilities, appropriate to the new situation, should be terminated and new facilities provided.
In youth, this is also Sun. Within the Youth Reform Agenda, this issue is addressed from the administrative side.
Reintegration facilities, are there effectiveness measurements? relative to the number of clients and instruments is manageable. It is well managed.
We are heading for the double aging. The group that will appeal to Wmo is increasing. The total number of youth who have Health in Nuenen has not increased, but has remained fairly stable in percentage terms.
7. Policy Framework Social Domain Nuenen c.a. (request for advice)
On March 14 there was a consultation round with the ASD. We talked at length with each other about developments and trends and what we need to take into account when coming up with a new vision document. In that meeting we were able to ask and answer questions back and forth. All input co the advice in May 2024 have been taken into account and incorporated into the document. The college asks the ASD to give an official advice.
A total of 3 image-forming evenings were held, ASD participated in these. Input from youth and children were also collected and processed.
The council was fairly unanimous on the line we are taking. One of the nice initiatives that came up was to summarize in an A4 the policy framework in clear language that can be understood by all residents. Stakeholders noted that the document keeps citing that the municipality cannot provide the Health on its own, but above all we need to deliver it together for each other. Feeling responsible and taking responsibility together.
8. Planning next Monday and ASD Oct. 10
- Participation coach: On Jan. 1, 2024, the law strengthening participation at the decentralized level came into effect, and this topic is about that. Alderman Patrick Kok is the portfolio holder on that.
This has a direct link to the omgevingswet that mandates participation.
Alderman indicates that there is definitely a social component within participation. For example, accessibility is reflected in the omgevingswet.
9. Any other business
10. Closing
The chairman closed the public meeting.