Report of ASD meeting Feb. 11, 2021

  • Date: Feb. 11, 2021
  • Present: Chairman: Paul van den Bosch - Members: Nicole des Bouvrie, Marc Slijpen, Carola Mes, Toos van de Ven, Wilma van Aken, Pieter de Kroon, Jeroen Moviat, Marian Gersen - Municipality: Ralf StultiënsAlderman social domain), Meriam van Onzenoort (policy assistant ASD)
  • Absent: Members: Linda Boekensteijn - Municipality: Hans Kuijten 
  • Secretary: Meriam van Onzenoort 

Opening and setting agenda 

The chairman opened the meeting.
Due to the corona crisis, the meeting will be held digitally.
The agenda is followed unchanged. 

Adopt report Jan. 14, 2020

The report was adopted without comments.
Further to the report, Toos van de Ven pleads for a timely start of activities to keep the youth busy in a good way.
Meriam van Onzenoort reports that in addition to the application to the state for € 10,000 for Youth on the Move, funds will also be deposited in the municipal fund for the Youth Package. The exact amount is not yet known, but implementation has started.

Announcements ASD 

The chair reported that working groups have been started to be able to work proactively on policy.

Communications Alderman


Youth work and Scouting Kipling group jointly organized Heel Nuenen Loopt. There were expected to be 600 participants. Both Scouting and LEVgroep are organizing multiple activities including an online escaperoom, an online fifa and fortnite tournament, various sustainability activities and outdoor activities. A recommendation will be submitted to the college to contribute to the cost from state funds for the Youth Package. 

Vulnerable families

Stichting Het Vergeten Kind and Stichting Leergeld Nuenen delivered a package full of attention, the Heppie Box to vulnerable families in the municipality of Nuenen during the campaign "Make your HEART for forgotten children in social isolation. Normally during the Week of the Forgotten Child, the foundation organizes a major children's event. This is (unfortunately) not possible this year due to corona measures. The Heppie Box was distributed in the week of January 29 to February 4 by Stichting Leergeld Nuenen.

The Heppie Box aims to provide the whole family with a moment of relaxation and attention. In fact, the box contains not only game materials, but also instructions for parents and/or caregivers to turn it into a really fun activity. Activities they might not have thought of on their own. This creates positive experiences between children and their caregivers.

Temporary support necessary expenses (Tonk)

By March 1, there must be a State scheme for the payment of necessary housing costs of residents who are living on welfare level due to the corona crisis and can no longer pay their fixed housing costs. There will be a scheme in line with the municipality's special assistance scheme. The college will establish municipal policy rules under which Requirements residents can use the support for 6 months. There will also be an RIB for the municipal council after the college decision (expected at the end of February). Residents can apply for relief starting March 1, via the municipal website. This scheme is also intended for non-entrepreneurs.

Questions to the Alderman

The chair asked if a response is expected to the RIB on housing. This is not the case.


The chairman thanked the Alderman for the VVV vouchers delivered to members' homes by mail today. 

The chairman closed the public part of the meeting.