Since 2007, we as a municipality have been thinking about realizing housing on Emmastraat. Previously, the elementary school Het Palet stood here. This school moved at the end of 2010 to the new community school on the Andriesplein, freeing up this location for a new project. The Emmastraat is due to its location very attractive as a residential location: it is a quiet street, within walking distance of the center with all amenities and a school.

Senior housing

Initially, the idea was to build two-story homes. But with the increasing aging population and the desire to be able to live at home longer, there is a greater need for senior housing. This is also reflected in the 2018 housing needs survey. We asked local residents what they consider important in the realization of senior housing. In addition to privacy, greenery and limiting the number of homes, it also revealed a need for space for play in this neighborhood.


The College of Mayor and Aldermen presented the decision to change the housing program to the council. The college's preference was to build for seniors. On the one hand because of the need for more senior housing and the fact that we like to use this land for that. In addition, it allows us to largely meet the wishes and concerns of local residents. At the end of 2019, the City Council approved the choice of senior housing. 

Developer known

In December 2021, we selected a party to realize the site. After going through a tendering process, the combination of Maatschap Nexit, Cornelis Huygens Profero BV and Jaco Wiegersma Makelaar Vastgoedadviseur BV was chosen. These parties - who applied jointly - scored best on price-quality ratio during the procedure.

Planning process

Planning began in early 2022. Several information evenings were organized for local residents and interested parties to ask for input on the design of the homes. A sounding board group was also launched, including local residents and parties such as Senergiek and PVGE.

The zoning plan for this housing project was adopted by the City Council on Oct. 17, 2024. From November 20, 2024, this decision will be available for public inspection for six weeks. The council decision can be appealed. The zoning plan can be viewed digitally via the environment counter (search for 'Emmahof').

Play and exercise

During several meetings, the need for space for play, greenery and accommodation emerged very clearly. As a municipality, we want to make play and exercise possible for all ages. That is why we will reassess the usability of the public space for play and exercise in this neighborhood. We will do this together with the residents and users of the public space. 

The wide play facility Lissevoort will be realized in 2025 and is intended for the neighborhood Emmastraat. Furthermore, the Kloostertuin will be set up as a temporary play facility.

Learn more

Do you have any questions or would you like more information about the Emmastraat building plan? Please contact Mr. Jaco Wiegersma (contact person for interested parties and local residents) at or 06 28434934 or Ms. Gertie van Bree (municipality of Nuenen) at

For more information see also the website: