College of B&W response to ASD opinion on library vision 2021-2024.

The ASD received the library vision 2O21-2024 and discussed it at its meeting on June 17, 2O21.
discussed. This vision came about in mutual consultation between the Dommeldal Library and the three municipalities that have signed a cooperation agreement with the library, namely Nuenen, Geldrop-Mierlo and Son en Breugel.

The ASD endorses the important role and function of the library for the residents of the
municipality. To better achieve that goal, the ASD has formulated some recommendations.
Below we provide our response.

We note in advance that up to now the substantive involvement of the municipality in the policy
and the implementation of the tasks of the Dommel Valley Library, partly due to the limited administrative
capacity, has been (too) little. The planned expansion of the formation will partly
accommodate this.


There is no evaluation available of the policy implemented to date. Much can be
be learned. What went well, what fell short of expectations and what has been achieved and with
what resources. Then we will also know which products are effective and at what cost.
With that knowledge a better choice can be made from the wide range of products.

Recommendation: Include in the governance agreement that the effects of the agreed services should be
should be able to be evaluated regularly during and after the plan period. Evaluation
is an essential part of the agreement.

Response: The management agreement states that at least once a year official and
board consultation on the results achieved. In addition, the library
accountability in the annual report.

Role library

Many other parties are listed as participants, both professional organizations and
volunteers. It is often not clear who plays which role, who takes responsibility in the
implementation or what the financial implications are. The role of the library can be either initiator,
coordinator, facilitator and/or implementer.

Recommendation: Make clear what role the congregation expects the library to play in purchasing
products. This determines who is primarily responsible and it affects

Response: greater substantive involvement of the municipality depends in part on the
available official capacity and the political agenda (what priorities does the new

Recommendation: Consider a strategy for the congregation to be able to determine whether a product will be
coordinated from the library or by another party, such as the LEV Group.

Response:See above

Advice: As a municipality, try to set some global goals and then choose those products to go with them
that help achieve those goals. The products can then reinforce each other and the
attention does not become too fragmented.

Response: see above


A number of proposed products are already being implemented by volunteers. These actions
under the library have advantages in terms of coordination and permanence. This
does require that the volunteers can continue to recognize themselves in their tasks.

Opinion: Health that centralization leads to a, preferably, larger group of involved volunteers and does not
detract from their motivation and enthusiasm.

Response: Overlap in the execution of different tasks should be avoided as much as possible.
However, we do need to keep an eye on the involvement and motivation of volunteers. Centralization is
not always the way to go in this perspective.

Concrete goals

The library vision is ambitious. Most of the proposals are formulated as an ambition and/or
commitment, and less or not on concrete goals to be achieved. These are often missing. For the municipality it is
then difficult to choose from the many proposals those that contribute most to its
own objectives. Moreover, after four years it cannot be determined whether the effort has led
to a noticeable improvement of the intended goal. It also remains unknown how the desired
goal. By making one's own products evaluable, lessons can be learned and successes can be repeated in another municipality.

Advice: Do a baseline measurement for the chosen measures. Repeat this measurement regularly so that the
effects of the actions can be made visible during and after the end of the plan period.
Suggestions for measurements include the size of the target group, the percentage of participants
from the target group that start, the percentage of starters that continue to participate until the end and complete the
action successfully completed, the deployment of people and resources.

Response:In consultation with the Library, we will consider which measures lend themselves to a more quantitative evaluation. The library is funded with public money. The more the library's services/products align with the policies of the municipality, the lower the requested co-payment can be.

Recommendation: Formulate a strategy for asking residents to contribute.

Response:In consultation with the Library, we will consider what contribution can be asked of residents
can be asked without risking people dropping out.


The library's ambition is to be the center for personal development. Then a
housing in a central location in the community adds value. Just as a lively library contributes to a lively center. Such a position also increases the chances of utilizing the third learning environment, especially for those who lack it at home.

Opinion: Housing the library in the center of the community increases its significance to
and impact on visitors.

Response:This is taking shape with the Library's move to the Cloister (after the major
renovation. Completion is anticipated January 2024).

Social Map / website NuenenHelpt

One of the library's products is the Social Map NuenenHelpt in Nuenen.
With this, residents can gain insight into the schemes and possibilities in the social domain, among others. This product is essential for residents.

Recommendation: Ask the library for a plan to make this Map more user-friendly and up-to-date,
including an approach to continue to systematically maintain and update the Map .
Response: agreed

On behalf of the College,
Alderman J. Pernot
January 2022