College response to ASD opinion Social Support Regulation 2021

Wmo Regulation 2021

Dear members of the Advisory Council Social Domain Nuenen c.a.

On October 12, 2021, the municipality of Nuenen c.a. requested the ASD to formally advise
on the Social Support Regulation 2021. On October 21
2021, the ASD issued its advice on the regulation in writing.

This letter reads our response to your advice. Our response always follows below the opinion issued by
your issued advice. This uses the literal text from your opinion document.

Opinions and reactions

1. Introduction: Article 11. There is much discussion among municipalities and the government about the
financial implications of the introduction of the subscription fee in the Wmo. In our
view, the additional resources allocated to municipalities are insufficient to honor all the
additional rights granted to residents. This is not financially sustainable
for a municipality. Advice: It is important that the municipality continues to closely monitor the developments surrounding
the subscription fee closely and, as soon as possible, take appropriate measures
1. Response: We have taken note of this advice. The municipality of Nuenen c.a. follows
the national developments in the field of financing the Wmo in
in general and the subscription rate in particular. The introduction of the
subscription rate has had a pull effect on the client numbers,
In addition, significantly less government funding was transferred to municipalities to carry out this task.
carry out this task. This creates a financial bottleneck. The municipality of Nuenen c.a. is
for the time being able to absorb this, however this remains a point of Health.

2. Opinion: Article 12. In order to keep track of the quality of the services provided
among other things, an annual client experience survey is proposed.
Suggestion: A possible alternative is to measure client dependent, for example 3 months
after support is deployed. This would provide more current and reliable results
and perhaps a higher response rate.
2. Response: We have not adopted this recommendation for the time being. We conduct an annual
client experience survey. The response rate in our municipality, compared to the
national average, high. In addition, it has been decided to publish the monitor social biennially.
monitor biennially. The Wmo is a standard part of the monitor. This allows us to
more actively monitor the quality of the services provided. Complaints from
clients are taken up. If it is found that complaints occur frequently this
occur frequently, this may be reason to adjust our policy or working method.
For now, therefore, we have no reason to change our approach.

3. Opinion: Article 18. This regulation gives the college more flexibility in
compensating residents' health insurance deductibles. We assess
us as a good, because more flexible, development.
3. Response: We have taken note of the above comment.

4. Introduction: Article 23. This article states that the policy pursued by the municipal government is
is evaluated annually through the Social Domain Monitor.
Question: The monitor reports on the state of affairs, provides some analyses but
does not provide an evaluation. Who does that evaluation every (half-)year and who draws
conclusions to adjust the policy?
Comment: Signals from residents that surface outside the client experience survey
which reach the municipality, through the ASD or otherwise, should also be reason
may also be a reason to adjust the policy.
4. Response: The Social Domain Monitor is drawn up every six months and interactively
discussed with the city council. We benchmark the progress in various
policy areas, including the Wmo. We also map the current state of
state of affairs and compare this with the implemented policy and policy interventions. This
will be prepared and elaborated officially. Depending on the wishes of the
City Council, we will zoom in further on parts of the monitor. We agree
agree with your comment that signals from residents, which reach us via another route
than through the monitor, can be a reason to adjust or not adjust the policy.
the policy. In addition, we use the method described in our response to point 2.
response to point 2.

The regulation will be discussed on 1 December in the Society Committee of the
municipality of Nuenen. Any response from the committee will be incorporated into the regulation.
regulation. The advice of the ASD and this letter will be added as an appendix to the
ordinance so that the committee may or may not include the advice in its response.
Adoption of the memorandum is done by the City Council. When the city council has adopted the
Wmo Regulation 2021 has been adopted, the Advisory Council will be informed.

Thank you in advance for your advice.

Kind regards,
B. van der Voort
Department of Society Municipality of Nuenen
- Regulation Wmo 2021 municipality of Nuenen c.a.