College response to ASD opinion on volunteer policy

Response of the College of Mayor and Aldermen to the Volunteer Policy Opinion, adopted April 28, 2020. On April 13, 2020, we received your final opinion regarding the 2020-2026 Volunteer Policy memorandum. Previously, we received the memorandum with some text modifications suggested by you. In this letter we respond to your advice.

Beforehand, we would like to thank the ASD for their comprehensive and thorough advice. We will adopt many points raised by the ASD when implementing the action points. The many textual comments and remarks have been incorporated into the final memo.

Point by point:

  • For clarity, we refer in the note , as you suggest, to the Volunteer Support Center (instead of the LEV group);
  • The objective of the municipal volunteer work policy has been adjusted in accordance with your advice;
  • When implementing the action points, in accordance with your advice, we pay particular attention to: care volunteers and the further development of a digital ͞workshop͟ for (volunteer) organizations (1 point where supply and demand meet and information is shared about available accommodations;
  • We will also reflect the focus on vulnerable volunteers in our grant policy (ic the Grant Requirements);
  • For municipal accommodations, we will strive for more flexibility in the use of spaces (counteracting vacancy);
  • For the years 2020 to 2026 we ask the council for an additional budget for the Volunteer Center (intended to carry out the additional tasks as described in the memorandum). Concrete agreements will be made with the Centre;
  • The Support Center will be tasked by the municipality, in consultation with education, to put the social internship back on the Map (no longer required by law);
  • Volunteer organizations that, in addition to Nuenen, work for other municipalities can also request support from the Support Center.