College response to ASD advice on the 2021 - 2025 Mantel Care memorandum
The college's response always follows the advice given or question asked. The literal text of the advice document has been used for this purpose.
Opinions and reactions
- Advice: Describe more clearly the relationship between, the division of roles and the method of reporting of the Support Center and the CMD. Response:We have partly adopted this advice and partly incorporated it into the paper. We have clarified the relationship and division of roles between the Support Point and the CMD. With regard to reporting, we partly adopt this. After all, whether a report is made depends on the request for help.
- Advice: Try to achieve that a family caregiver has a regular and one experienced in the family care domain who knows the background and care needs. And who has the knowledge and expertise to put into practice the customization and elaboration as aspired to in the municipality's policy. Should a permanent caregiver not be possible, Health that communication between the caregiver and the family caregiver is well documented and well shared. Response:We have taken this advice and expressed it in the policy document.
- Advice: Formulate more clearly what the caregiver can expect from this task of the Support Centre and Health sufficient capacity to adequately carry out this task. Response: We have adopted this advice and expressed it in the policy document.
- Advice: Health, also with the information from third parties, that the application for respite care and help when informal care can no longer be afforded, at the Support Center smoothly and flows. Response: We have adopted this advice and expressed it in the policy document. We do indicate through this that municipalities have relatively little influence on the number of locations for respite care and the speed with which heavier forms of respite care can be organized. Nevertheless, we find the provision of information and guidance of great importance.
- Advice: It seems better to always refer the caregiver to the Support Center. That can then refer to others, but as a coordinator keep an eye on everything. In this way a better picture can be obtained of the care needs and how they are addressed. Response: We have partly adopted this advice and partly expressed it in the policy document. The starting point is that we have one gateway for the social domain, namely the CMD. This must then be known. We continue to work on this familiarity. In practice, people usually refer to the Support Point. However, there may also be reasons for residents to contact other experts, such as the family doctor.
- Advice: Describe the role of volunteers and show how the municipality can support them (or have them supported). Response: We have taken this advice and expressed it in the policy document.
- Advice: The goals may be set a little more ambitiously. As an example: Adding one new informal care friendly employer per year seems too modest to meet the goals sought. Response: We have not adopted this advice. We believe it is important that quality over quantity. The carer-friendly employer project is time-consuming for all parties (Steunpunt Mantelzorg Nuenen and participating entrepreneurs). We also want to set up projects in a sustainable manner and perpetuate them for the future. We actively share successes, thereby inspiring other parties. We consider the goals in the memorandum to be realistic and ambitious.
- Question: Is the available budget of €40,000 per year sufficient to finance this expenditure in the coming years? Answer: The amount is sufficient, in addition we monitor at the mid-term and evaluate the policy in 4 years. Through this way we would like to note that the office costs/staff costs of the informal care support center are not part of this budget. These are subsidized through the general LEV subsidy.
- Question: Shouldn't the budgets then increase annually to be able to continue providing at least the same help per caregiver? Answer: The budget has been structurally increased by € 10,000 from 2021. We expect that this will enable us to realize the ambitions from the policy document. The Mantelzorgcompliment was €50 Euro, with which 400 Mantelzorgers could be reached. That amount is at the lower end of the amounts with which the municipalities in the region appreciate their informal caregivers. According to this memo, the informal care compliment will decrease from €30 in 2021 to €24 in 2025. This contrasts sharply with the stated intentions.
- Question: Is that aspirational for Nuenen? Answer: The observation outlined is not correct. The Mantelzorgcompliment in Nuenen remains at € 50. This is also the average amount in the country. Not all informal caregivers wish to make use of the informal care appreciation. Based on historical data, we can therefore conclude that the intended budget is sufficient. We have included the amount of the informal care appreciation in the note for clarification. The note does not mention the role of the monthly newsletter of the Support Center.
- Opinion: Continue this regular source of information, valued by family caregivers. Response: We have taken this advice and expressed it in the policy document.
- Advice: If the municipalities cannot/will not make mutual agreements then being generous is a good solution. Response: The municipality of Nuenen c.a. always has the will to cooperate if this benefits our policy objectives, efficiency or effectiveness. In addition, we do what is appropriate to the circumstances of the individual resident. Another survey of informal caregivers is being considered.
- Opinion: Do. It is good to update the data. It deserves consideration to establish a relationship with dementia. Both topics, informal care and dementia, are related. The survey can therefore provide valuable information for the municipality's dementia policy. Response:We make the connection to dementia policy both policy-wise and financially.
- Observation: The choice of a voucher that can only be spent at local stores limits the target group's choice and, from that point of view, is less desirable. Other considerations may make this choice acceptable. Response: We believe it is desirable to use public funds in the best way possible. The informal care voucher is primarily intended to appreciate informal caregivers. If we can provide additional support to our entrepreneurs, we will look into this. However, this is not a goal in itself. We will do this in consultation with the local informal care working group and the informal care support center. We will coordinate the desirability and possibilities with them.
The memo will be discussed in the Committee on Society of the Municipality of Nuenen on September 15. Any response from the committee will be incorporated into the memo. The advice of the ASD and the reactions will be attached to the memorandum as an appendix so that the committee may or may not include the advice in their response. Adoption of the memo is done by the City Council. When the City Council has adopted the policy document Mantelzorg 2021-2025, the Advisory Council will be informed.