Pets and dog walking areas

What is it?

In our municipality there are a number of rules for keeping dogs and pets. One of the rules is that dogs are not allowed to run loose.

Exceptions to the rule are designated dog walking areas:

Violations found may, without the issuing of a warning, result in a fine. The regulations are found in Articles 2:57, 2:58, 2:59 and 2:59a of the General Local Bye-Law (APV).


What to do.

Rules for dogs (owners)

  • You must leash your dog everywhere except dog walking areas.
  • Dogs are not allowed in playgrounds, playing fields, school grounds, sports fields and in sandboxes. You must ensure that your dog does not enter these places unless it is a guide dog or social assistance dog.
  • You must provide your dog with a collar and a tattoo or chip showing who the owner or keeper is.
  • You must ensure that your dog does not defecate in a public place. If your dog does accidentally defecate in a public place, you must clean it up yourself. Health therefore that you always have something with you, such as a bag or a poop scoop. In some areas the clean-up duty does not apply. If the obligation to clean up does not apply, this will be indicated.

Bags with dog poop can be left in the municipal waste bins. It is not allowed to deposit the (plastic) bags with dog poop in public spaces (e.g. in parks, parks and forests).

Dog tax

The municipality does not levy a dog tax. You do not have to file a tax return.