Restoration of forest and soil Papenvoort and Vaarlese heaths

The municipality of Nuenen is working with Bosgroep Zuid Nederland and the province of North Brabant to restore forest and soil in the Papenvoortse and Vaarlese heathland area. One of the measures is spreading stone flour to improve the acidified soil.

What is happening?

In January, the stone flour is spread by helicopter over an area of 25 hectares of forest. The spreading takes one to a few days at most and depends on a number of factors such as the weather. Stone flour is rich in nutrients and works for up to 30 years. Areas are closed during the work. This includes parking lots and dirt roads adjacent to the area. The mapshows the area where the stone meal will be spread.

Residents will receive a letter about this from Bosgroep Zuid Nederland. It contains more information about the work.

More information?

Check the website of Bosgroep Zuid Nederland or contact Martijn Griek at or 040-303 49 41.

Map distribution stone flour Nuenen