The assessment of municipal and water taxes is coming up
In February you will receive the annual assessment of municipal and/or water board taxes. By mail in your mailbox or digitally in your message box if you have signed up for MijnOverheid. You will receive this assessment on behalf of your municipality from Belastingsamenwerking Oost-Brabant (BSOB).
Did you know that BSOB performs the tax function for your municipality?
BSOB makes sure you get your assessment notice on time and can pay your taxes. Some taxes, such as property tax (OZB), require a WOZ value. BSOB determines this value. It puts as many municipal taxes as possible on one assessment notice. This way you immediately see what you have to pay for the whole year. With this tax money you contribute to the safety, quality of life and facilities in your municipality.
What information will you find on the assessment?
On the assessment you will see the amounts for the various types of tax, such as the waste collection levy. You will also receive information on how to pay, apply for a waiver or lodge an objection. On you will find more information. You will also find our Digital Desk where you can arrange many things yourself.
You will also see your new WOZ value
The WOZ-value is needed for taxes such as OZB, waterschapsbelasting and the owner-occupied house forfait. BSOB determines this value.
Want to know more about the WOZ value? Watch the video or read more at
Do you have questions or want more information?
Call at 088-551 0000 or visit You can also arrange a lot yourself through our Digital Counter. There you can log in with your DigiD.