Assistance, benefit

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Applying for assistance

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What is it?

Do you have no job and little money to live on? Then you may be entitled to benefits under the Participation Act. This allows you to support yourself until you find work again. Please read the information below carefully.

What to do.

You apply for the Social assistance benefit from the municipality using the digital application form at the top of this page. To apply for benefits, follow these steps.

  1. Register as a job seeker on then
  2. Please complete the digital application form at the top of this page. Note! You will also use this form for an IOAW application.

To register as a job seeker and apply for Social assistance benefit benefits you need DigiD. If you do not already have this you can apply for it through the DigiD website

Are you unable to figure this out? Then contact Centrum Maatschappelijke Deelname (CMD) Nuenen at 040 - 283 16 75.

What do I need to apply?

You are requested to add (upload) supporting documents when completing the digital application form. Make a scan of these supporting documents in advance and save them under a convenient name on your computer or mobile. You can then easily select the required supporting documents and add them to the application. Find the list of supporting documents here.

How does it work?

  • You are 18 years of age or older.
  • You do not receive AOW benefit. Is your AOW benefit incomplete and lower than the social assistance minimum? If so, you may be able to apply for a supplement (AIO) from the Social Insurance Bank (SVB).
  • You are Dutch or you are from an EU country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland or Switzerland or you have a valid residence permit.
  • You live or reside in the municipality of Nuenen.
  • You have no or insufficient income of your own.
  • You have no assets or assets below the maximum amount.
  • You cannot get another benefit. For example, unemployment benefits or disability benefits.
  • You are not excluded from eligibility for Social assistance benefit benefits. This is true, for example, if you are in prison.

Younger than 27 years of age

Are you under the age of 27? Then you first register as a job seeker and then apply to the municipality using the digital application form. After registering, you will look for work or training for 4 weeks. Do you have any questions? Please contact the Work/Youth Advisor at the Services Department.


Your equity includes your savings, your car and your own home. Your equity should not exceed a certain amount:

  • Are you single? Then you may not have more than €7,770.00 in equity.
  • Are you a single parent, married or have a cohabitation contract? Then you may not have more than €15,540.00.
  • Do you have more than €65,500.00 in equity in your home? Then you can get the Social assistance benefit benefit as a loan.

How long does it take?

We will make a decision on your application within 8 weeks.


  • You will receive an advance payment after 4 weeks at the latest. The advance is at least 90% of the Social assistance benefit. You will continue to receive the advance every four weeks until we make a decision.
  • If you receive the Social assistance benefit , we will offset the advance against your benefit.
  • If you do not receive the Social assistance benefit benefit, you must repay the advance.

You will not receive an advance if:

  • it is already clear at the time of application that you are not entitled to Social assistance benefit;
  • you do not provide sufficient evidence and you are to blame;
  • you provide the supporting documents late and that you are to blame;
  • You are not cooperating sufficiently in the processing of your application;
  • we have made a decision on your application.

Rights and duties

With benefits come rights and obligations. Some of these rights and obligations are listed for you below. Would you like to know more about the rights and obligations? Please contact the Services Department or visit the Rijksoverheid website for more information.

What rights do you have with a Social assistance benefit?

  • You should expect your benefit to be paid on time. Payment is made on the 5th of the month following the month to which the payment relates.
  • You have the right to know why a particular decision was made. The decision you receive always contains the motivation for how we arrived at a particular decision.
  • You have the right to object to a decision of the municipality. How you can do this is stated in the decision.
  • You may expect to be treated correctly by the employees of the municipality. If you believe that this has not happened, you may file a complaint with the Municipal Executive.
  • You have the right to see your file and to have data that is incorrect changed. However, you must be able to prove that the data in the file is incorrect.
  • You may be entitled to additional schemes, such as special assistance, individual income supplement and group health insurance, among others. You can apply for these. We will then check whether you meet the Requirements.
  • You are entitled to go abroad - with benefits - for 4 weeks a year.
  • You have the right to have your information kept confidential.

What obligations do you have with a Social assistance benefit?

Duty to inform

You report information that could affect the amount of your benefits directly to the municipality. This could be information about income, employment, a loan or gift, cohabitation, moving or any other change in your living situation. You ensure that we receive requested information on time. Failure to do so may affect the timing of your benefit payment. Think of pay stubs when you have part-time income. You report changes in writing. You can do this by sending the change forms and/or supporting documents to the municipality.

Notification of stay abroad

Anyone under the state pension age may stay abroad for a maximum of 4 weeks per year. This can be for vacation, family visits or any other reason. You must report your stay abroad to the municipality at least 2 weeks in advance.

Employment and reintegration obligation

Assistance is meant to be a temporary safety net until a person is able to generate their own income again. Therefore, anyone receiving assistance must obtain, accept and retain employment as soon as possible. Is this not yet possible independently? Then you must cooperate with a facility aimed at employability. You are obliged to be registered as a job-seeker with the UWV. You make every effort to find work and accept the work you are offered. Work that requires you to travel up to 3 hours each day (1.5 hours there and 1.5 hours back) is appropriate.

You will behave appropriately toward employees of the municipality and employees assigned by the municipality to guide your pathway.

You keep the agreements you made with the municipality about your reintegration.

Participating in a support offered by the municipality, is mandatory. You are on time for appointments with the municipality, WSD or other reintegration parties. You are also obliged to cooperate in an investigation following your benefit or reintegration. This may include an occupational survey.


If you disagree with our decision, you can object within 6 weeks.

LEVgroep and Nuenen Helps

Want to know more about the WerkCaféNuenen for people with Social assistance benefit and other job seekers in Nuenen? Then check out LEVgroep's website . Do you have a Social assistance benefit or a minimal income? Nuenen Helpt can guide you with questions about the Participation Act, income supplement and other income improvement schemes. You can find more information about Health, income and parenting on the Nuenen Helpt website .