Handing in asbestos at the waste disposal site

Asbestos is a material that used to be widely used in building materials, such as corrugated sheets and cement. Today, asbestos is no longer allowed to be used because it contains carcinogens. Often the material is still present in older homes, such as in roofs, facades or window sills.

How should you offer asbestos?

  • As a private individual, you can annually hand in up to 35 m² of bolted corrugated sheets containing asbestos at the environmental street. For this submission, you must make a notification to the environmental street by phone. 
  • Do you have more than 35 m² of screwed asbestos or do you have glued or screwed asbestos you are legally obliged to use a certified company, for which a notification is also required. (Address: De Huufkes 48-505674 TM Nuenen).
  • Make an appointment in advance by phone at the environmental centre to make sure there is enough room in the container: 040-283 73 83.
  • Asbestos you place yourself in the container at the environmental street. The employees cannot and should not help you with this.
  • Asbestos must be double wrapped in thick plastic film (at least 0.2 mm thick, we also sell bags at the waste disposal site) with the seams well folded over and taped shut. Unpackaged or improperly wrapped asbestos will not be accepted. Packing asbestos at the environmental street is not allowed.
  • Asbestos-free corrugated sheets and vermiculite sheets that resemble asbestos sheets (called asbestos coverings) must also be offered packed.
  • Never put asbestos with other waste, it is too dangerous for that!

Upon entrance, license plate and address information of Nuenen residents are recorded.

  • If you have more than 35 m² of asbestos, you are required by law to use a certified company.

Asbestos packaging:

Bags for packaging asbestos are available at the environmental site for a fee. 


  • bag 90 x 130 cm: € 2.00 
  • bag 250 x 110 x30 cm: €22.50 
  • you pay by PIN in the environmental street 

What happens to the waste?

The packaged asbestos is disposed of to specialized companies that process it responsibly.