In 2018, the Municipality made an energetic start on the lingering file on the Sinti. On July 20, 2018, the ASD advised the Municipality on its proposed policy to normalize the relationship with the Sinti living in Nuenen. In the meeting of the ASD on July 23, 2020, the ASD was, at its request, updated by the Municipality on the implementation of this policy.

The problems have been inventoried and named. In some topics (education) progress has been made in recent years, in others (employment, housing, participation in Nuenen) there is stagnation. Progress on housing is stagnant or even negative. There is a contract with the housing association Helpt Elkander, but it has not yet been implemented. As long as the housing situation does not change, the Municipality has little goodwill to make progress on other dossiers, such as education and the social domain.

The ASD realizes that the following three characteristics, among others, complicate cooperation and agreement making.

Own culture

Their own culture is cherished and guarded by the Sinti. That culture has allowed them to survive for hundreds of years in a different, different, environment, such as the Dutch. Guarding their own culture is essential for them to survive, even if it is at odds with Dutch expectations. An important part of it is the "forced" Health for each other. The group and the parents do not like to see their children leave.

Internal hierarchy

An internal hierarchy with strong social control characterize the Sinti and the camp. Those who do not follow this may lose their place in the local community. Their own hierarchy is perceived as more coercive than that of the local or national government. This makes reaching out to individual members very difficult for the government.

Own legal system

Their own legal system for mutual relations is considered more important by them than the government's legal system. Customization for an individual, which does not have the agreement of the leaders in the group, is less likely to succeed.

Nevertheless, the Municipality and the Sinti must move forward together. Doing nothing and accepting the situation, as in recent years, is not a future-proof strategy. It does an injustice to the residents and makes the chances of a balanced solution in the future even more difficult. A major problem remains housing. The Municipality is responsible1 for a sufficiently good housing situation, it manages much of the housing/vehicles, is responsible for maintenance, but is not currently fulfilling that role. For some of the residents, this is a reason to stop paying rent. This situation has long been tolerated, but is preventing an improvement in relations. Agreements with the corporation Helpt Elkander could lead to a better housing situation, even though the transitional situation is and remains unclear. The departure of the director of the corporation makes the implementation of these agreements less certain.


As long as the housing situation is not being or has not been normalized (repairing housing/caravans, paying rent regularly), consultation on education, participation in work and society, is difficult and probably not very fruitful.

This conclusion leads us to the following two opinions.

First, clear agreements

Advice: Before starting rehabilitation, make clear agreements between residents and the Municipality about the housing situation, describe the mutual obligations and a time schedule. If problems then arise, it can become clear what and by whom it is caused. Then immediately start repairing the homes/vehicles and in rent. Outsource that maintenance, at the expense of the municipality, to the corporation, for example, as long as the agreement with the corporation cannot yet be effected, and possibly a portion to the residents themselves. It is complex process. But it has to be done.

Learn from other municipalities

Advice: The characteristics of the problems are not unique to Nuenen2, the municipal approach and approach in other municipalities can and will be different. Learning from each other seems to be a useful strategy. Look for successful examples at other municipalities and try to analyze the critical factors for success there and then implement them in Nuenen.

1 Policy framework for municipal pitch policy, Ministry of Interior 2018