Solar Panels
Solar panels are environmentally friendly and profitable. With solar panels on your roof, you generate your own sustainable electricity. What options are available to residents of the municipality of Nuenen?
- Do you have a (private) home? If you put solar panels on your roof yourself, you can still net them until 2025 . You cannot buy solar panels through the municipality, but for possible financing you can go to the website
- If you can't or don't want to put solar panels on your own roof, then a post-co-op project might be for you. The website of our local energy cooperative Morgen Groene Energie tells you how easy it works.
- If you are a homeowner in an association of owners (VvE) and thus share a roof with others, it is also possible to generate power with solar panels. Read more on the Milieu Centraal website.
- Do you have a business premises? It is also possible to generate power with solar panels on the roof of your business premises. Read more on Milieu Centraal's website.
- If you would like to make your roof available for a post-co-op project, please contact our local energy cooperative Morgen Groene Energie.
- As a tenant, you can contact your landlord.
Also interesting:
- Find out if your roof is suitable on the Zonatlas website
- Read more about solar panels on the Milieu Centraal website