Vincent van Gogh
Vincent Willem van Gogh (Zundert, March 30, 1853 - Auvers-sur-Oise, July 29, 1890) was a Dutch painter. Vincent van Gogh lived and worked in Nuenen from December 1883 to November 1885. A total of 25% of his works are from Nuenen. In retrospect, his stay in Nuenen was one of the most important and productive periods of his life. There he made the choice to take the daily, hard life of his fellow man as a starting point for his painting. With great dedication he produced 194 paintings in Nuenen, including The Potato Eaters, 313 drawings, 25 watercolors and 19 letter sketches. In total, Van Gogh produced 870 paintings, 1011 drawings, 150 watercolors, 133 letter sketches, 10 lithographs and 29 juvenilia (juvenile drawings).
Van Gogh Village
Nuenen presents the unique situation that there is both an exhibition about Vincent and the open-air museum with the many locations he painted or drew during his stay in Nuenen. The combination of the exhibition and the open-air museum explains the name Van Gogh Village.
Read more about Vincent van Gogh (in Nuenen) on the Van Gogh Village Nuenen website.