Principles of events day beach Enode

Date: Jan. 31, 2023
Djuma: 1371059

For day-beach Enode we strive for a swimming facility with a small-scale, accessible and high-quality character. This means a day beach that is well taken care of, attractive and easily accessible for visitors from (the area of) Nuenen c.a. Day beach Enode is a location for (water) recreation, it is not an event terrain.
The following starting points for events guarantee this ambition, at least for a period from 2023 to 2027. These starting points will be evaluated annually and the Enode day beach location will be included in the event vision to be drawn up.

Principles for events at day beach Enode 2023 - 2027

  • Event have a "sports and/or games character. Events with the main purpose of providing entertainment through music or dance are therefore not allowed.
  • Events are characterized by a local connection to Nuenen c.a.
  • Events are appropriate to the facilities present at and around day beach Enode.
  • A total of up to six days per year are available for holding an event at Day Beach Enode (excluding set-up and take-down).
  • During the swimming season (from May through September), no events are held at Day Beach Enode.
  • Events fit within the zoning plan or can be made possible with a variance option.
  • Event organizers submit the application for an event permit or event notification in a timely and responsive manner and complies with the principles.


  • Events last a maximum of two consecutive days .
  • An event can be held for a maximum of two days per month.
  • Set-up and tear-down periods for events last up to two days in total.

Outside the swimming season, day beach Enode may not be accessible to regular visitors for several days:

  •  Maximum of four days unavailable in one month - at two-day event
  • Maximum of six days in one month unavailable - in case of two one-day events

Load on the environment

  • Events have a maximum number of visitors that fits within the parking capacity of cars and bicycles at the existing parking lots at Enodedreef and Refelingse Heide in Nuenen.
  • Events have a closing time of 7 p.m. or sunset.
  • For events, a noise level of up to 50dB(A) and 65 dB(C) measured at the facade of sensitive buildings applies to the production of noise in support of sports/game activities such as a public address system.

Impact on nature

In any case, the organizer of an event must take into account the Nature Protection Act.

  • The plan area should continue to be able to function as a bridge for species that occur within the Nature Network.
  • An ecologist should be involved by the organizer in event planning.
  • An ecologist should be involved by the organizer in setting up the site during events. At a minimum, this should include consideration of permanent nesting sites for breeding birds and squirrels.
  • Construction and dismantling of events should take place during the day, taking into account any breeding birds present.
  • For events within the breeding season (March 15-July 15) and for events with more noise than regular (other than background music), a noise contour analysis must be used to understand the noise values within the Nature Network during the proposed event.
  • Any lighting should not be directed at thickets, forest edges and vegetated banks. Low light intensity mono spectral lighting should be used whenever possible.
  • No scaffolding should be placed in the surrounding vegetation.
  • No events or ancillary activities may be organized that encourage run-off into surrounding Nature Network Brabant.
  • A traffic plan should be prepared to avoid encroachment on the Nature Network as much as possible.
  • A breeding bird plan and waste plan should be prepared.
  • The duty of care for all plant and animal species must be respected at all times.

Additional private law agreements when using day beach Enode for an event
A user agreement (private law) including compensation for use of the site will be drawn up for each event and signed in advance. This document is clearly readable, clear and understandable for event organizers.

  • Fee for use of the site:
    • The fee for use is based on the principles described above.
    • The fee for use is €100 per event.
  • The use agreement is subject to a granted event permit.
  • The organization shall not perform any work in the broad sense on the property without written permission from the municipality.
  • The site must always be handed over in its former condition after the event.
  • Organizers will deliver the grounds clean at the end of the event.
  • The organization commits itself to timely communication (at least 3 weeks in advance) with at least the immediate neighbors, neighborhood Eeneind and neighborhoods Zuiderklamp and Heikampen. The organization will coordinate with the municipality well in advance of the event.