Participation and integration of status holders
Unsolicited advice participation and integration status holders - Advisory Council Social Domain Nuenen c.a., July 23, 2021
Without participation, no integration
In May, a national report came out on some pilots for status holders, including the POP/PIP in Nuenen. A number of cases are already running in connection with the new legislation (effective date January 1, 2022). The topic has been discussed several times in the ASD meetings, in June with an explanation by Karima Mourid.
Based on those discussions, the ASD makes the attached suggestions for further improving policy implementation.
In general, we see that a lot of time has been put into policy preparation (approach, cooperation, infrastructure, new legislation, etc.). Based on best practices , there are bound to be areas for improvement from pilots elsewhere in the country.
In the run-up to new legislation, the time, energy and attention now is to shift as much as possible to implementation and its improvement. The focus should be on supporting enthusiastic and creative case managers and removing barriers for them and the status holders on their way to participation and integration. The equivalent of betting on the familiar "hands on the bed" and "hands off."
To achieve more, faster and better participation and integration of status holders, the ASD believes additional preconditions are needed in implementation:
- The norm is a combined language and work/volunteer pathway for every status holder, including those where self-reliance is the starting point.
- Commit to structural cooperation with the Nuenen business community through an active approach based on win-win and name and elaborate a number of possibilities for this (menu card) aimed at unburdening the employer, such as combined apprenticeships, wage subsidies and intensive coaching at work.
- A recent development is open hiring. What is Open Hiring? Open Hiring means that if you want to work, just get started. Without an interview, resume or government interference. Everyone is welcome, no matter what you've done in the past, your education or experience. We all have our own story., is interesting for people with a distance to the labor market and offers new opportunities for employer and employee in addition to, for example, the deployment of the WSD.
- Effective data, which illustrate and support the cycle of improvement and adaptation. Rather a limited number of indicators, which can be tracked well in a dashboard, than a multitude of indicators, which are less reliable and make it difficult to see what is working. multitude of indicators, which are less reliable and make it difficult to see what is working. In addition, collect qualitative input from case managers. They know better than anyone else what they need and how they can be facilitated to achieve the intended goals.
- From day one in Nuenen commit to participation (in whatever form). The starting point must be what people can do (and not what they cannot do because they do not master the language) and what talents/hobbies these people have. It requires creativity and courage on the part of the case managers to do this for (and together with) each status holder.
For example, what can be done is:
- Assisting twice a week in the care of meals at Savant or the Akkers
- A morning of hoeing/garden work with other volunteers at the petting zoo
- Helping out at the food bank
- Support activities at the children's school
- At a music talent or something, perform once for elderly people or at a school
- Joining hobbies such as woodcarving at the Village Workshop
- Starting at sports at one of Nuenen's sports clubs
- Encouraging parents to take their children to read-aloud activities at the library
- Getting children of status holders to join sports or other activity clubs with funds from the Leergeld Foundation.
A few hours of volunteer work/hobby/sports per week in addition to a language and work program is perfectly doable. It gives a huge boost to language, meaning, contact and integration. This should be conveyed to the status holder from day one and be the starting point of the case manager.
The target: 100% of the status holders participate in society for at least two hours per week. This does not mean that based on personal circumstances of the status holder there cannot be differences in time frame and final goal.
Social Domain Advisory Council Nuenen c.a.