Public decision list November 4, 2024

Tender documents mowing roadsides and waterways

The municipality is responsible for proper management of public spaces. In the area of municipal green space management, a multi-year tender is being prepared for the mowing of roadsides and watercourses.

The College decided to mandate the adoption of all documents for the tender of the specifications for the mowing of roadsides and watercourses to the Department Manager Realization. The mayor authorizes the department manager of Realization to sign the contract for mowing roadsides and watercourses.

Collaborative Covenant on Population Care 2024

For the professionalization of disaster response and crisis management, the municipalities participating in Veiligheidsregio Brabant-Zuidoost (VRBZO) entered into a
cooperation agreement in 2011. The agreements made then have been updated and laid down in a covenant. A Uniform Quality Level has also been added to it.

The college has agreed to the Covenant of Cooperation Bevolkingszorg Brabant-Zuidoost 2024. The corresponding local uniform quality level Bevolkingszorg
for Nuenen has been adopted.