Public decision list Nov. 11, 2024
Mandate regulation on procurement cooperation youth aid A 10 for youth
The program manager of the youth aid procurement organization "A 10 for Youth" already has some authority. The youth aid crisis contracts expire January 1, 2026. To be able to start the new procurement, the college has decided to agree to extend the previously granted mandate of the
program manager with the ability to conclude and amend contracts for youth aid Crisis.
Complaint handling National Ombudsman
A resident filed a complaint with the National Ombudsman regarding the municipality's handling of his complaint. The National Ombudsman prepared a report of findings and gave the college the opportunity to respond to the report.
The college has taken note of the National Ombudsman's report of findings.
Decision on objection
On July 14, 2024, a notice of objection was received against the decision dated June 3, 2024, imposing an order under penalty for an illegal structure and a black root cloth against the property fence in the conservation area.
The college decided to declare the objection admissible, in accordance with the advice of the objections committee.
The college also decided to declare the objection admissible, in accordance with the advice of the objections committee, insofar as it is directed against the order under penalty for the
construction in the backyard, well-founded and to revise the contested decision of June 3, 2024 on this point. This is because, at the time the contested decision was made, it was unclear whether the violation had been removed. Finally, the college decided to declare the objection, in accordance with the advice of the Objections Committee, insofar as it is directed against the order under penalty for the black root cloth against the mesh fence, unfounded and to uphold the contested decision of June 3, 2024 on this point.
Participation covenant Green enforcement North Brabant 2021
The new "Green Enforcement North Brabant" covenant fulfills the participants' desire for an indefinite covenant. The covenant allows parties in North Brabant to take joint action against abuses in the countryside and in nature reserves in particular.
The college decided to approve the North Brabant 2021 Green Enforcement Covenant for an indefinite period.
Interim report fall 2024
As part of the planning & control cycle, an interim report is prepared twice a year. This is how we inform the council about financial developments. In doing so, we propose to amend the budget of the current fiscal year so that the budget is up-to-date. In addition, we provide concise information on the progress of major projects and the social domain.
The council proposal Interim Report autumn 2024 is submitted to the council for decision.
Maasbracht - Eindhoven 380 kV grid expansion Intent and Patriculation Plan
The Ministry of Climate and Green Growth, together with Tennet, has started a route study for a new overhead 380 kV high-voltage line from Eindhoven to Maasbracht, in addition to the already existing route. A Memorandum of Intent and Participation has been drawn up for this purpose. Parties are asked to submit a response.
The college has decided to authorize Alderman Kok to submit a response on behalf of the college via the website set up for this purpose.