On Jan. 1, 2024, the Omgevingswet takes effect. The Omgevingswet merges the laws and regulations about our "physical environment. This includes laws and regulations for housing, roads, environment, nature and water, for example. The law makes the procedures clearer. Do you want to start a project, such as an expansion of your home or business? Then you only need to apply for one permit at one desk.

What will change for you?

You will soon be able to apply for a permit more easily. The procedures will also take less time. You can look up all information about the physical environment digitally. So you can see at a glance what rules apply in your neighborhood. For example, whether you can build a shed next to your house. Or whether you, as an entrepreneur, may build houses or an office on a certain spot, for example.

Animation Omgevingswet and Environment Plan

This animation explains the Environmental Plan and latitude. The environmental plan makes clear to governments, residents and initiators which developments and initiatives are possible within an area. Together they can achieve the desired living environment.

Learn more

Do you have questions about the new Omgevingswet? If so, please send an e-mail to Roel Klaver, Omgevingswet project leader at r.klaver@nuenen.nl.

Or read more on our webpage with frequently asked questions and answers about the Omgevingswet.