Nuenen natural gas-free
Nuenen, a nice place to live, work and play. Now and in the future. That is why we are going to work step by step on the heat transition: insulating our homes and buildings and replacing natural gas with clean, 'green' alternatives. That means something for all of us. Let's take small, concrete steps together that ensure a smooth transition. Let's accelerate together!
Getting started in your neighborhood
We won't become natural gas-free overnight. And we don't have to. Before 2030 we want to start in a number of neighborhoods with potential*, where we will work together step by step. You can also do a lot yourself, even if you do not live and/or have a business in one of the neighborhoods where we want to start. Curious about the possibilities in your neighborhood? Or what steps you can already take yourself?
Visit the website How are we going to heat Nuenen sustainably?
We recommend viewing the Nuenen Sustainable Heating website using a computer or laptop. On a cell phone or tablet, the Maps are not optimally visible. Further accessibility of this website is being worked on.
On this website you will also find more information about the Nuenen Heat Transition Vision and several tips around subsidy schemes, interesting projects. Fellow Nueneners also share their experiences.
The Nuenen Heat Transition Vision
In 2050 we will live, work and play sustainably and without natural gas in Nuenen. Achieving this is still a tall order. In order to Map out how we can tackle this, the municipality has drawn up a Heat Transition Vision. This examines per district what is currently the most suitable solution for sustainably heating homes and buildings.
Questions or ideas about the Nuenen Sustainable Heating website or the Heat Transition Vision?
You can always ask questions or share ideas. Gladly even! Email them to
* A neighborhood with potential is a neighborhood/neighborhood that can already start with the heat transition, because it scores positively on many criteria within technical, economic and social research for the purpose of the Heat Transition Vision.