Monastery Garden
The municipality is developing plans in the green heart of Nuenen: the Kloostertuin. There is much interest in building and living at this location, but the preservation of greenery is also important. Therefore, the desired developments have been outlined in a Master Plan. Before homes can actually be built, important steps still need to be taken: the tendering process. After all, the municipality will not build the homes itself; the most suitable builder/developer will still be selected for that purpose. A spatial procedure must also be completed according to the Omgevingswet before the construction of approximately 115 homes and the construction of the park can take place in 2027.
The Kloostertuin is located right behind Het Klooster in the center of Nuenen. In the past several (school) buildings have stood in this area. The site now lies fallow, is quiet and very green. The municipality has mentioned the site in the Environment Vision and the Housing program, among other things. The city council has previously expressed its desire to realize housing on this site.
Principles and Master Plan
To develop such a special location, the municipality does not go overnight. Step by step, the municipality and designers drew and calculated on a design. To make the plans even more attuned to the wishes of Nuenen and the people of Nuenen, the municipality consulted a sounding board group that included participants from the community. In the course of that process with research, design and participation, at the end of 2023 the municipal council established the starting points for the building program, public space, the development fields, traffic & parking and sustainability & energy.
On Thursday, July 4, 2024, another important phase was completed: the City Council adopted the Master Plan for Monastery Garden. This Master Plan is not yet a building plan; it contains a reference design, a suggestion of what a building plan might look like (i.e., not how it should be). It does make clear what frameworks the eventual builder must meet. A spatial procedure according to the Omgevingswet will follow. Goal: start construction of approximately 115 homes and construction of the park in 2027.
Completed: Start design and participation for Master Plan scenarios - early 2022
In early 2022, we started the design. Participation also took place for the scenarios of the Master Plan.
Completed: Principles adopted by city council - November 2023
The guiding principles (urban planning principle, building height, parking, sustainability, finances) were adopted by the City Council.
Completed: Master plan Monastery Garden adopted by city council -
On Thursday, July 4, 2024, the Monastery Garden Master Plan was adopted by the City Council.
Still to do: Tender developer - October 2024 to end 2025
We will be looking for a developer to move forward with the plan.
Still to do: Spatial procedure - October 2024 to March 2025
We follow a spatial procedure according to the Omgevingswet.
Still to do: Elaborate plans and building permit - 2026
The plans will be worked out in more detail and the building permit will be applied for.
Still to do: Start construction of housing and park - from early 2027
We expect to begin construction of the approximately 115 homes and park construction in 2027.
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