Youth care or help needed?

Are you applying for support through the Youth Act? The municipality can help you find the right Health. You can contact employees of the Center for Social Participation (CMD). They will think with you about how to tackle your problem. The solution is different for everyone because every person and situation is different. They will meet with you to look together at your situation, question and possible solutions.  

Client Support Youth Assistance

Do you find it difficult to have this conversation? Then you can ask someone from your family or social network to be present. You can also make use of free independent client support.

What does an independent client advocate do?

The independent client advocate:
- answers questions about youth assistance;
- gives advice about the youth assistance offered;
- conducts confidential interviews;
- supports or mediates complaints.

For whom.

The client supporters are there for children/youth and their parents/caregivers. A young person can also request advice without the parents being involved. If you would like contact with a client supporter, you can report to the CMD. The CMD has contact with Zorgbelang, MEE De Meent Groep and Cliëntondersteuningplus. The CMD takes care of the contact with one of these organizations.


The CMD can be reached at (040) 283 16 75.

More information?

For more information, visit: Nuenen-Helps Health