Help with money matters and debt

What is it?

Are you having trouble keeping track of your money matters? The Nibud website has a step-by-step plan for keeping records. And on the website Wijzer in geldzaken you will find an overview of online household books you can use. This way you have all your money matters at hand in one place. Humanitas Thuisadministratie offers temporary support when you have lost your overview due to circumstances. They help you on your way so you can continue on your own again.

If you can no longer manage to pay off your debts, you can seek debt assistance from various agencies, including the municipality.

What to do.

Contact the LEV Group. They can help you apply to an assistance agency. The agency will assess whether you qualify for debt assistance. They look at your income, assets, fixed expenses and debts, among other things. They also look at whether and how much you can repay.