Damocles policy

As a municipality, we consider a safe residential and living environment important. This is why the mayor takes tough action against drug crime.

If a trade quantity of drugs is found in or near a home or business premises, the mayor may close that home or business premises. This is stated in Section 13b of the Opium Act (Damocles Act). 

Closing property by mayor

The mayor has created the Damocles Policy to show how he uses the power to close a premises. That policy states the amount of soft and/or hard drugs at which a home or business premises will be closed and how long the closure will last.

Closing a property has several purposes, including:

  • Let it be known that the mayor is taking action against drug crime;
  • Restoring the residential and living environment in the neighborhood;
  • Preventing drug criminals from still using the property as drug premises.

When a property is closed, the door is sealed and highly visible stickers are placed on the windows or doors.

Prevent abuse

Be alert to who becomes your tenant if you rent out premises. You may fall victim to persons who abuse your premises for the production and/or storage of drugs. The mayor will close your premises if drugs are found there. It will not matter if you knew about the situation or not. Therefore, make regular use of your authority to inspect the rented premises. 

Report suspected drug trafficking

If you think drug trafficking is taking place in or near a property, please report it to the police(112 if it is urgent and otherwise 0900-8844) or via report crime anonymously(0800-7000 or at www.meldmisdaadanoniem.nl)

More information Opium Act

Read more in the Enforcement Policy on Section 13b Opium Act at overheid.nl.