
The soil management memorandum sets out the local regulations for earthmoving, performing a soil remediation and the municipal soil procedures and Requirements applying for environmental permits (building and environmental) and (deviating from) zoning plans. Below we list the most important issues for you.

Soil Information

Information about the environmental soil quality is important when, for example, you are having a soil survey performed, applying for a zoning change or environmental permit, buying a home, starting a business, or when you are excavating.

Where to view.
The soil information of the Municipality of Nuenen can be consulted online via: 'Environmental Report North Brabant'.
The Maps with roads that are suspected of containing zinc ashes are not shown in the environmental report. These Maps can be requested separately.

Request municipal soil files
If you would like more information, you have the option of requesting the municipal soil files at Send the environmental report with the request and indicate which files you would like to receive. If we do not have the files digitally, we will contact you to make an appointment for an archive inspection.

The environmental report also includes the soil files of the Province of North Brabant. These soil files can be requested from the Omgevingsdienst Zuidoost-Brabant (ODZOB) at Check the environmental report for the archive location.

Soil test Environmental permit (building and environment) and (deviating from) zoning plans

If you plan to change a zoning ordinance, build a house or commercial building, or apply for an environmental permit, you must submit soil quality data with the application.

The municipality tests whether the soil quality is suitable for the desired use of a site and whether construction is not taking place on contaminated soil. The soil management memorandum sets out the requirements for soil quality data. You can also read how the municipality tests these data when applying for a permit.

Requirements for earthmoving

In the municipality of Nuenen, soil movement takes place on a regular basis. The Soil Quality Decree (Bbk) imposes Requirements on the application and temporary storage of soil, dredged material and building materials on or in the soil. These Requirements are intended to prevent soil contamination and enable (re)use of soil.

The Nota bodembeheer with accompanying soil function class map and soil quality map (incl. PFAS) indicates under which Requirements clean and slightly contaminated soil can be applied.

Notification of soil or dredged material
If you plan to apply or temporarily store soil or dredged material, you must report this at least 5 working days in advance via the soil quality reporting point. This also applies to the reuse of building materials and the use of IBC building materials.

Soil quality map
If you wish to make use of the soil quality map, you must add the form 'test origin' to your notification. Moving soil based on the soil quality map is only possible from locations that are unsuspicious as to the occurrence of soil contamination.

The Zuidoost Brabant environmental department assesses
On behalf of the municipality, the Omgevingsdienst Zuidoost-Brabant reviews notifications against national and municipal soil policies. For questions about soil movement, please contact the Omgevingsdienst Zuidoost-Brabant at

Soil remediation

If a site has a case of serious soil contamination (volume >25m3 of severely contaminated soil or 100m3 of severely contaminated groundwater), in many cases this will limit any developments at a site. To make a site suitable for future use, soil remediation is often required in these situations.

Competent authority and implementation
The Province of North Brabant is the competent authority when it comes to soil remediation. The Omgevingsdienst Zuidoost-Brabant performs this task on behalf of the province.  

Necessary steps
Before proceeding with any soil remediation, submit a BUS notification (Besluit Uniforme Sanering) or a remediation plan to the Omgevingsdienst Zuidoost-Brabant, via

Notification forms and evaluation reports for Besluit Uniforme Sanering (BUS) | Form |

Bij niet-ernstige bodemverontreiniging
Als er sprake is van een niet-ernstig geval van bodemverontreiniging (omvang <25 m3 sterk verontreinigde grond), dan is de gemeente bevoegd gezag. Om deze kleinere bodemverontreinigingen te saneren, dient u een plan van aanpak voor de sanering in bij de gemeente via