Waste containers

What is it?


Waste is collected in containers in Nuenen. In underground communal containers (for apartments) or in three containers per household (for houses).

What do I use which Waste container for?

You use the blue container for paper.

You use the gray container for residual waste.

Use the green container for vegetable, fruit and garden waste + food scraps.

You use the underground containers for residual waste and waste paper.

The municipality has registered the Waste container at your address, this way the number of times you put waste in the container is tracked. Once a year you will receive the statement of this with your WOZ assessment.

Digital waste calendar

What you can throw in the Waste container and information about pickup can be found in the Digital Waste Calendar.

What to do.

If you:

Then you can arrange it online. You will receive the instructions for exchanging the container after applying.

If you have questions about emptying your container or malfunctioning underground container

You can very easily report a problem with an underground container to the municipality. Each container has a container number and a QR code. When you scan the QR code with your phone, you will be taken directly to the reporting system of the municipality of Nuenen. There you can enter the number of the container in question. This gives us all the information we need to solve problems with an underground container quickly. Of course, you can also report a problem on the website.

If a container is not completely emptied

Of course it is annoying that your container is not completely emptied. Unfortunately, it is not possible to request an additional emptying. If the waste is not released when the container is tipped and shaken, and falls out of the container, then the waste has probably been stuck anyway. For safety reasons, the collection service may not remove the waste from the container with their own hands. You may assume that Blink will do everything possible to empty your container. We would therefore advise you to put the contents of the container as loose as possible in the container before the next emptying day. Perhaps you can put the bags a little less full in the container to prevent the waste from getting stuck. Your emptying remains registered.

What does it cost?

Request container

  • € 20,40

The rate per container emptied:

  • 240 liters, intended for GFT waste: €3.85
  • 140 liters, intended for GFT waste: € 2.30
  • 80 liters, intended for GFT waste: € 1.30
  • 25 liters, intended for GFT waste: €0.25 
  • 240 liters, intended for residual waste: €26.85
  • 140 liters, intended for residual waste: €16.00
  • 80 liters, intended for residual waste: €9.05
  • 25 liters, intended for residual waste: €2.85
  • intended for paper free

The rate per time use of underground container

  • destined for residual waste 30 ltr. €2.05 
  • destined for residual waste 60 ltr. €4.15 
  • intended for GFT € 0.25

Flat fee

  • per plot per month of the fiscal year: €15.75